For the first time, air pollution emerges as a leading risk factor for stroke worldwide

Air pollution -- including environmental and household air pollution -- has emerged as a leading risk factor for stroke worldwide, associated with about a third of the global burden of stroke in 2013, according to a new study.

Plastic below the ocean surface

Current measurement methods may be vastly underestimating the amount of plastic in the oceans. A 2015 paper published in Science estimates that anywhere from 4.8 million to 12.7 million metric tons of plastic were dumped into the ocean in 2010 alone.

25% of global deaths caused by pollution: WHO

A quarter of all global deaths annually are related to environmental pollution and the death rate is increasing significantly, the World Health Organisation warned in its latest report.

Environment behind nearly quarter of global deaths: WHO

One in four deaths worldwide are due to environmental factors like air, water and soil pollution, as well as unsafe roads and workplace stress, the World Health Organization (WHO) said Tuesday.

Researchers unleash plastic-eating bacteria

Japanese scientists have discovered a bacterium that produces a never-before-seen enzyme that can fully break down PET plastics.

An Attempt To Let Coal Plants Emit Unlimited Mercury Was Just Shut Down By SCOTUS

Regulations that limit heavy metal pollution from oil- and coal-fired power plants will continue to be enforced by the EPA — at least for now — thanks to Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts.

Lebanese government hasn't dealt with staggering two million tons of trash in the streets

A health crisis mounts as two million tons of trash spill into the streets, creating what people have begun to call a ‘river of trash‘ that flows through the city, spewing garbage and toxins into the once-beautiful area.

Fossil fuels received more than €320 billion in aid in 2010

Panorama - Fossil fuels received more than ?320 billion in aid in 2010 - Renewable Energy Magazine, at the heart of clean energy journalism