Study: Earth shares its orbit with tiny asteroid

(AP) -- Like a poodle on a leash, a tiny asteroid runs ahead of Earth on the planet

Mini black holes that look like atoms could pass through Earth daily

( -- In a new study, scientists have proposed that mini black holes may interact with matter very differently than previously thought. If the proposal is correct, it would mean that the time it would take for a mini black hole to swallow the Earth would be many orders of magnitude longer than the age of the Universe.

Huge asteroid to pass near Earth in November

The Asteroid 2005 YU55, about 1,300 feet in diameter, will approach Earth within 0.85 lunar distances in early November 2011. Discovered on December 28,

Solar flare: space weather disrupts communications, threatens other technologies

A powerful solar flare has ushered in the largest space weather storm in at least four years and has already disrupted some ground communications on Earth.

Sun unleashes huge solar flare towards Earth

The Sun has unleashed its strongest flare in four years, observers say.