Many Earth-Mass Rogue Planets Have Been Discovered In the Milky Way

Rogue planets are planets  that might be lurking in the vast dark between stars. With recent discoveries we’re getting closer to definitively saying that they do exist.

CHIME Detected Over 500 Fast Radio Burst in its First Year

The CHIME radio observatory detected over 500 Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs) during its first year in operation. Before CHIME, there were less than 100 total discovered FRBs.

Milky Way's "Most Mysterious Star" Has a Companion

A mysteriously dimming star located about 1,480 light-years away in the constellation of Cygnus and known as Tabby's star is, in fact, a binary stellar system, made up of a F-type star and a smaller red dwarf star.

A Mysterious Signal from Proxima Centauri

The signal appears to emanate from the direction of our neighboring star and cannot yet be dismissed as Earth-based interference, raising the very faint prospect that it is a transmission from extraterrestrial intelligence.

Milky Way magnetar likely source of fast radio burst

Until now, the source of Fast Radio Bursts was a mystery. Now astronomers at multiple institutions have pinpointed the FRB spotted in the Milky Way and conclude it most likely was generated by a magnetar.

Unexpected Mysterious Circular Objects in Space

Four of these strange objects have been detected and an international team of astronomers has nicknamed them ORCs - short for "Odd Radio Circles". All four are only visible in radio wavelengths.

Massive star disappears without a trace

Can a massive star collapse into a black hole without first exploding in a supernova blast? That’s at least one explanation for the disappearance of a star 2.5 mil times brighter than the sun in a dwarf galaxy 75 mil light years away.

Repeating cycle in unusual cosmic radio bursts

Astronomers have discovered that emissions from an object known as a repeating Fast Radio Burst follow a cyclic pattern repeating every 157 days.

Astronomers discover new class of cosmic explosions

Astronomers have found two objects that, added to a strange object discovered in 2018, constitute a new class of cosmic explosions. They share some characteristics with supernova explosions and gamma-ray bursts.

First-Ever Detection of a Fast Radio Burst in Our Own Galaxy

A Milky Way magnetar called SGR 1935+2154 may have just massively contributed to solving the mystery of powerful deep-space radio signals that have vexed astronomers for years.

Exoplanet disappears in latest Hubble observations

The object, called Fomalhaut b, was first announced in 2008. It was clearly visible in several years of Hubble observations that revealed it was a moving dot. Now it has vanished and scientists seek for a plausible explanation.

The Universe may not look the same in all directions

One of the core assumptions of astronomy is that the universe appears the same in all directions, or it is isotropic. However, a recent study suggests that may not be the case. 

Even More Repeating Fast Radio Bursts Discovered

The CHIME radio telescope array has detected nine new fast radio bursts on repeat, which are revealing things about this strange phenomenon.

How Possible Life Is In The Universe

It's calculated that, thanks to rapid inflation, the universe may contain more than 1 googol (10^100) stars, and if this is the case then more complex, life-sustaining RNA structures are more than just probable, they're practically inevitable.

Weird "Vanishing Stars" Could Potentially Be Extraterrestrials

A comparative analysis of historical and contemporary astronomical data has resulted in the discovery of approximately 100 star-like objects that unexpectedly vanished. These strange occurrences are likely natural, but scientists say alien technology is a remote possibility.