Fast radio burst in long-dead galaxy puzzles astronomers

Fast radio bursts (FRBs) are puzzling phenomena because their details are so difficult to resolve. Astronomers added another piece to the puzzle with the detection of an FRB that seems to originate in a dead galaxy.

Ultra-Fast Radio Bursts Detected Lasting Only Millionths of a Second

A recent study examines the discovery of what astronomers are dubbing "ultra-fast radio bursts", a new type of fast radio bursts (FRBs) that the team determined lasts for a mind-boggling ten millionths of a second or less.

Astronomers found 25 more repeating radio signals from space

In new research, a Canadian-led team of astronomers turned up another 25 repeating FRBs, doubling the number already discovered.

Astronomers Find 25 Fast Radio Bursts That Keep Repeating

Of the over 1,000 FRBs detected to date, only 29 were identified as repeating. The nature of fast radio bursts is still unknown.