Year-Long Simulation of Humans Living on Mars Comes To an End

One year ago, six volunteers entered a 36-by-20 foot dome, located near a barren volcano in Hawaii, to simulate what living conditions would be like on Mars. Today they re-emerged from their year-long isolation.

Astronauts Install New Space Station Docking Port

Two NASA astronauts successfully installed a new parking spot at the International Space Station today, marking a key step toward accommodating new commercial space taxis that arrive at the orbiting lab.

Titan appears to have steep gorges and rivers like the Nile

Saturn's exotic moon Titan, with its thick atmosphere and large, methane lakes, continues to beguile planetary scientists. Now, using data collected by an altimeter aboard NASA's Cassini spacecraft, scientists have found liquid methane flowing through deep gorges on the moon's surface.

New, Nearby Earth-Like Planet Discovered

Scientists are preparing to unveil a new planet in our galactic neighborhood which is "believed to be Earth-like" and orbits its star at a distance that could favor life. The exoplanet orbits a well-investigated star called Proxima Centauri, part of the Alpha Centauri star system.

Veins on Mars were formed by evaporating ancient lakes

Mineral veins found in Mars's Gale Crater were formed by the evaporation of ancient Martian lakes, a new study has shown.

Most likely Earth-like exoplanets cataloged

Researchers list exoplanets with the most potential to have liquid water, or even life. An international team of researchers has pinpointed which of the more than 4,000 exoplanets discovered by NASA

A young star is living out a growth spurt far from any other objects

In 2009 astronomers detected an unusual object, named CX330, as a source of X-rays as it was surveying the center of the Milky Way galaxy but they had not idea what it was. Today, astronomers have a better idea to what this strange object is.

Chorus of black holes radiates X-rays

New data from NASA's Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array, or NuSTAR, has, for the first time, begun to pinpoint large numbers of the black holes sending out the high-energy X-rays.

"Maxwell": Meet NASA's Faster, More Efficient Electric Airplane

Airplanes are a great convenience to society but not to the environment. Luckily, NASA is constructing an electric airplane designed to be more efficient and quiet.

NASA's Kepler Confirms 100+ Exoplanets During Its K2 Mission

An international team of astronomers has discovered and confirmed a treasure trove of new worlds using NASA's Kepler spacecraft on its K2 mission.

Curiosity 2.0: This Is NASA's Next Mars Rover

The Mars 2020 mission will look a lot like NASA's Mars Science Laboratory, but will feature some impressive tools to track down ancient life and do some important groundwork ahead of a future human mission.

Chemical trail on Saturn's Moon Titan may be key to prebiotic conditions

Scientists have uncovered a chemical trail that suggests prebiotic conditions may exist on Saturn's largest moon Titan. This moon features terrain with Earthlike attributes.

Ancient Mars could have been more like Earth than we thought

The Curiosity Rover discovered manganese oxides on the red planet. The seemingly simple find actually has mind-boggling implications: ancient Mars could have been a lot more like Earth than we thought.

Hubble confirms new dark spot on Neptune

New images confirm the presence of a dark vortex on Neptune. Though similar features were seen during the Voyager 2 flyby of NASA

The universe is crowded with black holes, astronomers predict

Astronomers have presented one of the most complete models of matter in the universe and predict hundreds of massive black hole mergers each year observable with the second generation of gravitational wave detectors.