A company created by Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan to "unlock human potential and promote equality" today announced a $3 billion project that aims to cure, prevent, or manage "all diseases in our children.
In times of violence, take a cue from these Nobel Peace Prize winners.
Participants in a six-day Ayurvedic-based well-being program that featured a vegetarian diet, meditation, yoga and massages experienced measurable decreases in a set of blood-based metabolites.
An automotive engineer traveled 6,200 miles in his unique zero-emissions vehicle.
Emma Yang created Timeless, - the first app designed specifically for Alzheimer’s patients. The teen, who received one of the “Ten Under Twenty” innovation awards, is still in the development stages of the app but she hopes to release it by the end of the year.
Spending time in woodland regulates human emotions and the heart helping to restore a healthy balance when compared to time in urban environments, according to new research.
The Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC) guidelines aims to preserve an equal treatment of Internet traffic regardless of its content or source. Open Internet advocates argue the move will help ensure the Internet stays true to its roots as a non-discriminatory.
With no walls, the pillars of the bridge serve as a boundary. But for the roughly 300 pupils - mostly children of impoverished migrant labourers, daily wage workers and seasonal farmers - it offers the chance of an education.
The Infinity Burial Suit started as a concept by artist and MIT researcher Jae Rhim Lee, who was concerned about the environmental impacts of traditional burial methods.
Neuroscientists have identified the neural networks that connect the cerebral cortex to the adrenal medulla, which is responsible for the body's rapid response in stressful situations. These findings provide evidence for the neural basis of a mind-body connection.
Scientists from Oxford University and UCL have identified part of our brain that helps us learn to be good to other people. The subgenual anterior cingulate part of the brain seems to be especially tuned to benefiting other people.
HundrED is a global, non-profit project aiming to bring together a vision of education for the next 100 years, collecting 100 innovations from Finland and a further 100 from around the world, along with commentary from global thought leaders.
Time and again, the Olympic games have served to reflect and even amplify this spirit. It has allowed people to represent their countries—even if they weren’t officially recognized by their neighbors or members of the United Nations.
Wellbeing workers are becoming more common as schools integrate mental health into learning. Principals say meditation is more important than ever as children's minds become crowded by technology.
In real life, Matt Damon chases down the one thing every person needs, but can’t always get—clean water. Damon’s appearances worldwide for the Water.org charity have delivered danger-free drinking water to 4.3 million people in 12 countries.