Researchers are going to examine the theory from American psychology that has taken UK schools by storm. “Growth mindset” is the name given by psychologist Carol Dweck to the idea that intelligence can develop, and that effort leads to success.
Parents' beliefs about whether failure is a good or a bad thing guide how their children think about their own intelligence, according to new research. The research indicates that it's parents' responses to failure, and not their beliefs about intelligence, that are ultimately absorbed by their kids.
Finally, after many centuries of discord powerful accomplished women leaders and the visionary men who are their heroes are beginning to gather together in a way that honors both genders and encourages each to profoundly contribute to the other.
A team of researchers has recorded the brain activity of 50 people wearing an electroencephalogram headset while they looked at a series of 500 images. They found that participants' brains reacted differently to each image, enough that a computer system was able to identify each volunteer's 'brainprint' with 100 percent accuracy.
The third largest retailer in the world has taken a revolutionary step towards ending hunger in Europe.
The university will exclusively focus on organic farming and research.
Going veggie can drastically reduce your carbon footprint. This is all at a personal level. What about when you multiply such changes by 7 billion people, and factor in a growing population?
The Director General of Cultural, Social and Family Affairs at the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) has said that Sierra Leone could be the best model with regards to religious tolerance, peaceful coexistence and bonds of unity.
A kitchen that feeds 100,000 people daily, 24 hours a day and 7 days a week for free, is ready to raise the bar even further and set a benchmark for others to follow. Golden Temple – one of the world’s largest community kitchens, will soon be serving organic food.
Biology lessons teach us that the brain is divided into separate areas, each of which processes a specific sense. But findings to be published in eLife show we can supercharge it to be more flexible.
Prophet Muhammad believed that freedom of religion and civic rights were important components of a “Muslim nation,” according to an analysis of the prophet’s covenants with Christians.
The World Economic Forum estimated last year that at the current slow rate of progress, it will take until 2133 to close the global gender gap across health, education, economic opportunity and politics.
This little girl decided to skip Disneyland and fairy tale reenactments to use her Make-A-Wish grant to become an environmental philanthropist. After Amelia Meyer was diagnosed with brain cancer, the Missouri child said that her dream was to pick up huge amounts of trash in her Kansas City community.
It’s a case of life imitating art. Much as the sci-fi film “The Matrix” depicted a device capable of enhancing skill acquisition, researchers at HRL Laboratories, LLC, have discovered that low-current electrical brain stimulation can modulate the learning of complex real-world skills.