New study finds clear differences between organic and non-organic milk and meat

In the largest study of its kind, an international team of experts led by Newcastle University, UK, has shown that both organic milk and meat contain around 50% more beneficial omega-3 fatty acids than conventionally produced products.

The Millennial's: the New Counter Culture that Can't be Stopped

For the sake of chronological order, historians and analysts use a beginning and end date for generational identification. The identification includes common behaviors and attitudes characteristic of that generation.

Google Fiber gives free gigabit Internet to poor people

Google Fiber today said it will provide free Internet access at gigabit speeds to residents in affordable housing. Google Fiber was already providing free Internet in public housing, but speeds were limited to 5Mbps downloads and 1Mbps uploads.

Mindfulness training cools inflammation

A study of stressed-out adults suggests that mindfulness meditation causes brain changes that can lower inflammation levels.

How will cloud-based schools change education? By Prof. Sugata Mitra

Sugata Mitra is professor of Educational Technology at the School of Education, Communication and Language Sciences at Newcastle University, England. “Our current system is training clerks. We have to change it if we don’t want to make people like machines,” said Mitra.

A Radical Way of Unleashing a Generation of Geniuses

These students in Matamoros, Mexico, didn't have reliable Internet access, steady electricity, or much hope—until a radical new teaching method unlocked their potential.

There is only one race, the human race

The ancient origins, anatomical, linguistic and genetic distinctiveness of southern African San and Khoikhoi people are matters of confusion and debate. They are variously described as the world’s first or oldest people; Africa’s first or oldest people, or the first people of South Africa.

The Distant Future of Philosophy

Philosophy, like any human activity, is influenced by the circumstances in which it takes place. Technological, scientific, economic, political, cultural, social, etc., factors influence how philosophy is conducted and at least some of which questions philosophers take up.

Ways for Your Child to Embrace Meditation

Adults have learned a variety of ways to put together a special space in their homes that is expressly used for that purpose. They have open to them the money and ability to purchase what they wish to put on their sacred personal space. But what about the children?

50 Percent Of NASAs Latest Class Of Astronauts Is Female

In the 1960s, NASA sent a rejection letter to a hopeful astronaut simply because she was female. At the time, there was no impetus to set up a training program for women. How times have changed: The latest class of NASA astronauts is comprised of 50 percent women for the first time in history, as reported by The New York Times.

India's experiment with holistic healthcare - the Harvard way

The eight-room corridor in remote Jadigenahalli is in the midst of a medical revolution. The pilot project for India's experiment with integrated medical care (to combine all systems of medicine) is happening right there in Hoskote taluk 25km from Bengaluru.

Memory capacity of brain is 10 times more than previously thought

The brain's memory capacity is in the petabyte range, as much as entire Web, new research indicates. The new work answers a longstanding question as to how the brain is so energy efficient and could help engineers build computers that are incredibly powerful but also conserve energy.

Meet Sabrina Gonzalez Pasterski: 22-Year-Old Cuban-American Genius Could Be New Einstein

Born in Chicago, the 22-year-old erudite has been named “The Next Einstein” by Harvard University. Gonzalez Pasterski is an MIT graduate and Harvard Ph.D. candidate interested in answering some of the most complex questions in physics.


Mark Zuckerberg and his team must transform Facebook into a development shop for drones to deliver the Internet via lasers.