Mars mission expert believes space travel will be affordable one day

Dr Amitabha Ghosh, who has worked in multiple Mars missions of National Aeronautics and Space Administration (Nasa) since the US launched the Mars Pathfinder spacecraft in 1996, believes that one day space travel will become "affordable".

NASA funds five space missions for possible launch in 2020 | The Verge

Five possible space missions have been selected by NASA to receive preliminary funding, ahead of a possible launch as early as 2020. Each of the projects, chosen as part of NASA

Solar Electric Propulsion (SEP) | NASA

As NASA seeks to reduce costs and extend the length and capabilities of ambitious new solar system science and exploration missions, alternative propulsion technologies may deliver the right mix of savings, safety and superior propulsive power to enrich a variety of next-generation journeys to worlds and destinations beyond Earth orbit.

Life-Hunting Mission Would Bring Samples Back from Saturn Moon Enceladus

Scientists are developing a mission concept that would send a probe flying through the plume created by the 100-odd geysers erupting from the south polar region of Saturn

Outstanding Time-Lapse of a Stellar Explosion From Hubble

In January 2002, astronomers discovered a massive explosion coming from V838 Monocerotis. They initially thought they were witnessing a supernova, but after the initial flash of light began to dim (as expected), it began to brighten again in infrared wavelengths at the beginning of March. After that brightening faded, another one happened in April.

NASA starts work on real life star trek warp drive

Dr. Harold "Sonny" White, the Advanced Propulsion Theme Lead for the NASA Engineering Directorate has said that "a Star Trek experience within our lifetime is not such a remote possibility."

Nine Exoplanets Discovered in Solar System's 'Twin' : Discovery News

A record-breaking star system has been discovered, playing host to nine alien worlds -- including three "super-Earths."

Powerhouse in the Crab Nebula: MAGIC telescopes observe pulsar at highest energies yet and strongly challenge current theories

The pulsar at the center of the famous Crab Nebula is a veritable bundle of energy. Astronomers observed the pulsar in the area of very high energy gamma radiation from 25 up to 400 gigaelectronvolts (GeV), a region that was previously difficult to access with high energy instruments, and discovered that it actually emits pulses with the maximum energy of up to 400 GeV -- 50 to 100 times higher than theorists thought possible. These latest observations are difficult for astrophysicists to explain.

Clocking an accelerating universe: first results from BOSS

First spectroscopic results from BOSS give the most detailed look yet at the time when dark energy turned on some six billion light years ago, as the expansion of the universe was slipping from the grasp of matter

When dark energy turned on (Update)

( -- Some six billion light years distant, almost halfway from now back to the big bang, the universe was undergoing an elemental change. Held back until then by the mutual gravitational attraction of all the matter it contained, the universe had been expanding ever more slowly. Then, as matter spread out and its density decreased, dark energy took over and expansion began to accelerate.

Jupiter's melting heart sheds light on mysterious exoplanet

Jupiter's melting heart sheds light on mysterious exoplanet

Billions of habitable worlds in our galaxy

Could there really be billions of habitable worlds in our galaxy? Learn whether there could really be billions of habitable worlds in our galaxy.

Runaway planets zoom at a fraction of light speed

Seven years ago, astronomers boggled when they found the first runaway star flying out of our galaxy at a speed of 1.5 million miles per hour. The discovery intrigued theorists, who wondered: If a star can get tossed outward at such an extreme velocity, could the same thing happen to planets?

New theory on size of black holes: gas-guzzling black holes eat two courses at a time

Astronomers have put forward a new theory about why black holes become so hugely massive -- claiming some of them have no

Second biggest flare of the solar cycle

The leading edge of the first of two major coronal mass ejections will reach Earth at about 1:25 AM EST on the morning of March 8 (plus or minus 7 hours). Such a CME could result in a severe geomagnetic storm, causing aurora at low latitudes, with possible disruption to high frequency radio communication, global positioning systems (GPS), and power grids.