First Black Hole in a Triple Star System Found

In this system, called V404 Cygni, the black hole is consuming a small star that is spiraling in very close and fast while a newfound third star circles the black hole from much farther away. 

Rare Newborn Triple Star System Discovered

A rare triple-star system surrounded by a disk with a spiral structure has been discovered by a University of Oklahoma-led research team.

Astrophysicists find triple star system with 'hot Jupiter'

Crisp, clear images of a "hot Jupiter" system captured by a physicist were vital in determining that a newly found planet inhabits a three-star system, a phenomenon documented only a few times before.

Astronomers just found a stable planet in a triple-star system

While we sit here on Earth looking up in wonder at how awesome our star, the Sun, is, astronomers have just found a stable planet inside a triple-star system that makes our Solar System seem rather boring.