Supervolcano Megabeds Discovered at Bottom of Sea

Researchers unveiled megabeds formed by supervolcano eruptions in the Mediterranean Sea, offering insights into volcanic history.

The Hole in the Ozone Layer Is Getting Bigger Again

A large hole in the Antarctic ozone layer once thought to be steadily closing could actually be widening, according to new research.

Earth's Core Is Changing

Water from Earth's surface can find its way deep into the planet, and new research explains how it changes the outermost region of the metallic liquid core.

Powerful space explosion shook Earth's atmosphere

The burst that originated some 2.4 billion light-years away from Earth and struck the planet on 9 October last year may have led to changes in the upper ionosphere, according to a new study.

Every 27.5 million years, the Earth's heart beats catastrophically

A new study finds that Earth itself has a pulse, with one “beat” every 27.5 million years. That’s the rate at which major geological events have been occurring as far back as geologists can tell.

Finding Argoland: How a lost continent resurfaced

Around 155 million years ago, a 5,000 km long piece of continent,Argoland, broke off western Australia and drifted away. As it turns out, Argoland is now in fragments, but is still there.

Our Planet Is Literally Shaking Under The Effects of Global Warming

New global data, along with other ocean, satellite and regional seismic studies, show a decadeslong increase in wave energy that coincides with increasing storminess attributed to rising global temperatures.

Indonesia's Gunung Padang could be the world's oldest pyramid

A pyramid hidden within a hill on an island in West Java, Indonesia, could be the world’s oldest. Gunung Padang, also known as “mountain of enlightenment”, sits at the top of an extinct volcano and is considered a sacred site by locals.

Scientists discover alien planet debris buried deep under Earth's crust

Long ago, an alien planet crashed into Earth – causing a collision so big the debris formed the Moon and left mysterious remnants lodged deep in the Earth’s mantle.

Ancient 'Black Box' Hints at What Really Killed The Dinosaurs

Fine dust suspended in the atmosphere may have played a significant role in the extinction of dinosaurs after all.

Earth's core could be leaking helium

Record concentrations of a helium isotope found inside 62-million-year-old Arctic rocks could be the most compelling evidence to date of a slow leak in our planet's core.

Amazon rainforest hides thousands of records of ancient communities

The world's most diverse forest, the Amazon, may also host more than 10,000 records of pre-Columbian earthworks (constructed prior to the arrival of Europeans), according to a new study.

A comet impact 13,000 years ago might have wiped out megafauna

Researchers note a "synchronicity" of geochemical signals suggesting that fragments of a comet struck Earth approximately 13,000 years ago.

Iron Atoms Discovered on the Move in Earth's Solid Inner Core

An international study found that certain groupings of iron atoms in the Earth’s inner core are able to move about rapidly, changing their places in a split second while maintaining the underlying metallic structure of the iron.

Large ozone hole detected over Antarctica

The ozone hole over Antarctica is one of the biggest on record, roughly three times the size of Brazil. It's a natural phenomenon, but scientists are concerned climate change could begin reopening ozone holes.