Mysterious Filament near Milky Way's Supermassive Black Hole

Looking to the center of our galaxy, astronomers noted the presence of a mysterious filament extending from the supermassive black hole located there.

An exoplanet that orbits its star from pole to pole.

GJ436, a red dwarf located about 33 light-years from Earth has a planet that behaves very much like a comet. And according to a recent study this planet also has a very peculiar orbit.

The Multiverse?

Merging Neutron Stars Challenge Existing Theories of Gravity and Dark Energy.

The First Known Interstellar Asteroid Looks Incredibly Weird 

Scientists know of 750,000 or so asteroids and comets—and all of them are part of this fine solar system. That is, all of them but one. And as new research shows, it is weird.

Twinkle in a forming star suggests existence of a very young planet

An international team of researchers have found an infrequent variation in the brightness of a forming star. Its repeated behavior suggests the presence of a hidden planet.

The Star That Would Not Die

Astronomers have made a bizarre discovery; a star that refuses to stop shining.

The First Interstellar Object May Have Just Visited Our Solar System

The object zoomed into our solar system from an extreme angle above the path in which most planets and asteroids orbit the sun.

Spots on supergiant star drive spirals in stellar wind

A Canadian-led international team of astronomers recently discovered that spots on the surface of a supergiant star are driving huge spiral structures in its stellar wind.

Mysterious dimming of Tabby’s Star may be caused by dust

A new study suggests that the cause of the dimming over long periods is likely an uneven dust cloud moving around the star. This flies in the face of the “alien megastructure” idea and the other more exotic speculations.

Mysterious dark energy is more dynamic than we thought, says new study

New research is adding some deeper insight into the mysterious repulsive force known as dark energy, providing evidence that whatever it might be, its ghostly influence hasn't been constant over time.

Physicists Prove That Reality Is Not — Repeat, Not — a Computer Simulation

Mathematical roadblocks with quantum mechanics indicate that the so-called simulation hypothesis is impossible.

Fast radio bursts may be firing off every second

Fast radio bursts were first detected in 2001. Since then, astronomers have found a couple of dozen FRBs, but they still don’t know what causes these rapid and powerful bursts of radio emission.

Cosmic rays striking Earth come from outside Milky Way

Ultra-high-energy cosmic rays that occasionally hit the Earth may be coming from a distant source outside the Milky Way galaxy, a study suggests.

Breakthrough Detects Fast Radio Bursts Coming from Distant Galaxy

Using the Green Bank Telescope, researchers with Breakthrough Listen recently detected repeating fast radio bursts coming from a distant galaxy.

First X-rays detected from mystery supernovas

Scientists appear to have found the first X-rays coming from type Ia supernovae.