Microplastics may accumulate in the brain at higher levels

Findings indicate rising microplastic concentrations in human brains and organs, urging deeper investigation into their health effects and distribution.

Microplastics Block Blood Flow in A Brain, Study Shows

Scientists have found in lab experiments that microplastics can block blood flow in mice brains, raising concerns about human health impacts.

Birth Spurs a Surge in Brain Connectivity

Brain imaging of fetuses and infants reveals a rapid increase in functional brain connectivity at birth, aiding adaptation to the external world.

A First-of-Its-Kind Signal Has Been Detected in Human Brains

Scientists have identified a unique form of cell messaging occurring in the human brain, revealing just how much we still have to learn about its mysterious inner workings.

How Neurons Control The Brain

The brain is a marvel of efficiency, honed by thousands of years of evolution so it can adapt and thrive in a rapidly changing world.

Pregnancy completely rewires mothers' brains

Neuroscientists scanned the brain of a pregnant woman and captured a 'widespread reorganization' of her brain before, during and after pregnancy.

Quantum Entanglement in Neurons May Actually Explain Consciousness

Chinese scientists explain how entangled photons emitted by carbon-hydrogen bonds in nerve cell insulation could synchronize activity within the brain.

Obesity Affects Sperm Count: Brain Mechanism Behind Fertility Decline

A research team discovered that obesity causes chronic changes in the brain which affects sperm count.

Exercise brain boost can last for years

A longitudinal study by UQ researchers has found high-intensity interval exercise improves brain function in older adults for up to 5 years.

Magic Mushrooms 'Trip' Your Brain Out of Sync For Weeks, Study Finds

Once maligned for their psychedelic properties, magic mushrooms are increasingly attracting attention for their same mind-altering potential as a therapy for a wide variety of mental health issues.

A First-of-Its-Kind Signal Was Detected in Human Brains

Scientists have identified a unique form of cell messaging occurring in the human brain, revealing just how much we still have to learn about its mysterious inner workings.

Brains of The Living And The Dead Don't Read Key Genes in The Same Way

A comparison of post-mortem brain tissue and samples taken from living patients has revealed for the first time significant differences in the way strands of RNA are modified.

"Time cells" in the brain act like a stopwatch for complex tasks

Researchers found that time cells in the brain are crucial for learning complex tasks, acting like a personalized time code.

The Human Brain's Complexity Verges on The Brink of Chaos

The human brain is said to be the most complex object in the known Universe.  Its 89 billion neurons each have around 7,000 connections on average, and the physical structure of all those entities may be balanced precariously on a knife's edge.

Placebo or sham surgery can be as effective as a real one

A review of 53 placebo-controlled surgery trials found that sham surgery was as good as the real thing in over half of the studies. Sham surgery activates the wound-healing cascade.