Using a cutting-edge imaging technology, US scientists examined more than 1 million cells in a 2-millimeter by 2-millimeter by 0.6 millimeter block of brain, and identified more than 70 different types of neurons.
Swedish researchers have created a systematic and detailed map of the cell types of the mouse nervous system. The researchers will now use the same methods to map out the human brain on a detailed level.
A new study has discovered structures in the brain with up to eleven dimensions - ground-breaking work that is beginning to reveal the brain's deepest architectural secrets.
Scientists have pinpointed a network of three specific regions in the brain that appear to be crucial to consciousness.
A team of neuroscientists, computer specialists and engineers release what they say could be the most accurate map yet of the brain, discovering 100 new regions of the brain in the process.
Researchers seeking to unlock the secrets of how the brain works have created the largest and most detailed map of connections between brain cells ever produced.