Tiny Doses of LSD Boost Unique Signals in The Human Brain

Even small doses of LSD could have therapeutic benefits for mental health and task performance, a new study shows.

Ultrasound aimed at the brain can relieve pain

Narrowly focused soundwaves aimed at an area of the brain called the insula reduced both the perception of pain and the body’s reaction to it, according to a new study.

Ancient viruses helped shape our bodies, brain millions of years ago

Millions of years ago, vertebrates were infected by a virus, which played an important role in the evolution of human beings and the development of brains and human bodies.

Quantum physics could be the key to human brain

Discoveries over the last two decades have shed light on a crucial role for “quantumness” in human cognition – how the human brain processes information to acquire knowledge or understanding. 

A new supercomputer aims to closely mimic the human brain

A supercomputer scheduled to go online in April 2024 will rival the estimated rate of operations in the human brain, according to researchers in Australia. The machine, called DeepSouth, is capable of performing 228 trillion operations per second.

'Time Cells' in Human Brain Encode The Flow of Time

Research suggests that 'time cells' – neurons in the hippocampus thought to represent temporal information – could be the glue that sticks our memories together in the right sequence so that we can properly recall the correct order in which things happened.

'Mini Brains' From Stem Cells Developed "Eyes"

Mini brains grown in a lab from stem cells spontaneously developed rudimentary eye structures, scientists reported in a fascinating paper in 2021.

Food preservation began human brain growth

A study by evolutionary neuroscientists suggests our minds develop thanks to fermentation. It made food easier to digest and contained more nutrients, facilitating our grey matter’s development.

Nanoplastics linked to Parkinson's disease and dementia

Nanoplastics that can leach into water and soil affect a specific protein found in the brain, causing changes linked to Parkinson’s disease and other types of dementia.

Microplastics could trigger severe brain inflammation

South Korean scientists showerd the process through which plastic transforms into secondary microplastics. Their research reveals that continuous consumption of these secondary microplastics acts as neurotoxins in the brain.

New research links climate change to shrinking brain size in modern humans

A new study suggests that decreases in brain size in modern humans may be driven by natural selection in response to climate change and environmental stress, starting around 15,000 years ago. 

Scientists discover spiral-shaped signals that organise brain activity

The study suggests that gaining insights into how the spirals are related to cognitive processing could significantly enhance our understanding of the dynamics and functions of the brain.

Doctors Conduct Brain Surgery on Fetus in Womb in World First

For the first time, surgeons have successfully repaired a major malformation in the brain of a fetus.

Brain scans can translate a person's thoughts into words

In a new study, a model trained on functional magnetic resonance imaging scans of three volunteers was able to predict whole sentences they were hearing with surprising accuracy—just by looking at their brain activity. 

Evidence of increased brain activity right before death

At the time of death, brain activity was detected in the TPJ region of the brain - a recent study found. The TPJ region already has a known association with dreaming, hallucinations, and altered states of consciousness.