Positive outlook predicts less memory decline

A new study finds that people who feel enthusiastic and cheerful - what psychologists call 'positive affect'- are less likely to experience memory decline as they age.

Happiness and the evolution of brain size

During human evolution, the size of the brain increased. A new research shows that serotonin can act as a growth factor for the stem cells in the fetal human brain that determine brain size.

Neuralink implants are close to ready for human testing

Roughly 1,000 electrodes will be inserted into the targeted collection of neurons, and those will connect to an implant above the surface of the brain. Musk said that it plans to do initial testing with tetraplegics. 

Will Elon Musk's Neuralink Shape the Future of Humanity?

The specific objective of Neuralink is to develop ultra-high bandwidth brain-machine interfaces to connect humans and computers. Practically, this materializes as a chip that is implanted into the brain.

Elon Musk says Neuralink will do brain implants 'within a year'

Elon Musk has a vision of linking human brains to computers in order to avoid our species from being outpaced by artificial intelligence – and this dream is set to become a reality.

Intelligence is a whole brain phenomenon

Recent studies demonstrated that the relationship between brain structure and intelligence not only involves grey matter, but also white matter - the brain's wiring system. 

Worldwide collaboration unveils brain's gray matter

For the first time, more 360 scientists from 184 different institutions have contributed to a global effort to find more than 200 regions of the genome and more than 300 specific genetic variations that affect the structure of the grey matter.

Neuron Nurseries' Have Been Found Inside A Human Nose

The latest study suggests the area in the human nose seems to carry on producing neurons in our adulthood, based on an analysis of human tissue taken from seven middle-aged human donors.

Babies breathing polluted air: brain changes

A new study suggests that significant early childhood exposure to traffic-related air pollution is associated with structural changes in the brain at the age of 12. Specifically reductions in gray matter volume and cortical thickness.

Neuroscientists Discover New Kind of Signal in the Human Brain

Scientists have uncovered a new kind of electrical process in the human brain that could play a key role in the unique way our brains compute.Researchers have discovered that certain cells in the human cortex transmit signals in a way not seen before.

Nanoparticles from air pollution go straight into brain

The discovery of abundant toxic nanoparticles from air pollution in human brains was made in 2016. A comprehensive global review earlier in 2019 concluded that air pollution may be damaging every organ and virtually every cell in the human body.

Screen time and brain differences in kids

Children who have more screen time have lower structural integrity of white matter tracts in parts of the brain that support language and other emergent literacy skills. 

Scientists pinpoint neural activity's role in human longevity

Neural excitation linked to shorter life, while suppression of overactivity appears to extend life span. Protein REST, previously shown to protect aging brains from dementia and other diseases, emerges as a key player in molecular cascade related to aging. 

Can science explain consciousness?

We have made a great deal of progress in understanding brain activity, and how it contributes to human behavior. But what no one has so far managed to explain is how all of this results in feelings, emotions and experiences.

Mini-brains grown in a lab are pushing ethical boundaries

Earlier this year, US team announced they had grown a mini-brain with neural activity similar to that seen in a preterm infant. The ability to feel or experience the world around them, may be just around the corner — and all the ethical implications it brings.