Atomic clocks are the most accurate timekeepers we have, losing only seconds across billions of years. But apparently that's not accurate enough - nuclear clocks could steal their thunder, speeding up GPS and the internet.
New findings by scientists in Australia could challenge what we thought we knew about the way gold nuggets bloom in vast reefs beneath our feet.
The image was made back in 2021 and those dots are the atoms in the crystal lattice of a piece of praseodymium orthoscandate (PrScO3), at a magnification of 100 million.
In an incredibly inhospitable lake, scientists have discovered a new tiny species that forms huge colonies.
Now, scientists have discovered evidence of Earth's transition from a tropical underwater world, writhing with photosynthetic bacteria, to a frozen wasteland – all preserved within the layers of giant rocks in a chain of Scottish and Irish islands.
In experiments at the Brookhaven National Lab in the US, an international team of physicists has detected the heaviest “anti-nuclei” ever seen.
Below the Earth's crust is our planet's thickest layer, the mantle, which influences many processes - such as volcanism, crust formation, and its magnetic field.
The ancient monument of Göbekli Tepe in Türkiye is truly one of the most magnificent ancient marvels on our planet. The temple complex that thrived as a cultural epicenter more than 10,000 years ago is the oldest monument of its kind.
Canadian scientists have created a super-black substance that has the potential to be cheaper, hardier and easier to manufacture … and it's made out of wood. Trademarked as Nxylon the material reflect less than 1% of visible light.
Researchers at Berkeley Lab's 88-Inch Cyclotron successfully made superheavy element 116 using a beam of titanium-50. That milestone sets the team up to attempt making the heaviest element yet: 120.
A 58-year-old man in the United States is the first person in the world to have had his failing heart replaced with a temporary, titanium blood-pumper.
After about 800 years without a volcanic event on the Reykjanes Peninsula, the Fagradalsfjall volcano epupted in 2021, 2022 and 2023. FGour more eruptions have taken place to the west at the Sundhnúkur fissure system in 2023 and 2024.
Now, a team of scientists from the US and China has calculated that a new class of dual-action antibiotics could make it 100 million times more difficult for bacteria to evolve resistance.
A German man's HIV has likely been cured after undergoing a stem cell transplant in a first-of-its-kind case, scientists announced recently ahead of the next International AIDS Conference in Munich, Germany.
Mosses are among Earth's great terraformers, turning barren rock into fertile soils, and now a team of scientists is proposing these non-vascular plants could do the same on Mars.