Caloric restriction for anti-aging

The idea that reducing the amount of food you eat can slow metabolism and extend lifespan has been around for a while. Only recently has it become more mainstream.

Your child may be more innovative than you realise

Children may have a greater understanding of how to innovate and problem solve than previously realised.

A Fascinating Potential Link Between Gut Bacteria and Health

The bacteria in our gut, researchers found, produce one of the same signaling molecules that humans do, which can then interact with receptors in the body to mediate health.

Moderate consumption of fats, carbohydrates best for health, international study shows

A diet that includes a moderate intake of fat and fruits and vegetables, and avoidance of high carbohydrates, is associated with lower risk of death, research with more than 135,000 people across five continents has shown.

Richard Branson backs universal basic income joining Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk

Richard Branson said universal basic income might be a valid method of dealing with the advent of technology reducing the overall number of jobs for workers.

This Inspiring Teenager Wants to Save Lives With His Flying Robots

Mihir Garimella, 17, has been building robots since 10, and now, he' s developing software to enable the drone to operate autonomously and hopes it will be able to navigate environments such as a burning building.

Yoga and meditation improve mind-body health and stress resilience

A new research investigates the effects of yoga and meditation on brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), the activity on the hypothalamic pituitary adrenal (HPA) effects and inflammatory markers.

11 minutes of mindfulness training helps drinkers cut back

Brief training in mindfulness strategies could help heavy drinkers start to cut back on alcohol consumption, finds a new UCL study.

Former White Supremacists are Helping Others to Renounce Their Extremism

Life After Hate is a nonprofit that employs former neo-Nazis and white supremacists to help others renounce their extremism and hateful lifestyles.

Country Passes Landmark Law Banning ‘All Violence Against Women’

Tunisia has just adopted a law based on UN policies that fight violence against women, and two other countries are moving in the same direction.

‘Buying Time’ Can Provide a Path to Happiness

Spending money on time-saving services reduces stress and boosts overall happiness, according to new research, but shockingly few of us do it.

Individualistic practices and values increasing around the world

Individualism is thought to be on the rise in Western countries, but new research suggests that increasing individualism may actually be a global phenomenon.