Anniversary of UK smoking ban 'marks a decade of success'

In the space of 10 years there are 1.9 milion fewer smokers in Britain and "big changes in public attitudes towards smoking".

The UN Passes The First-Ever Treaty Banning Nuclear Weapons Worldwide

Last Friday, the United Nations passed the first-ever treaty imposing a total nuclear weapons ban.

Danish school that optimizes learning through design

A company designed and recently completed the Herningsholm Vocational School, a Danish school that focuses on the creation of optimal learning and study environments.

Children in single-mother-by-choice families do just as well as those in two-parent families

A study comparing the well-being of children growing up in single-mother-by-choice and heterosexual two-parent families has found no differences in terms of parent-child relationship or child development.

Barack Obama Delivers Speech On "Tolerance" In Indonesia

Obama: “If we don’t stand up for tolerance and moderation and respect for others, then much of the progress that we have made will not continue”

Meet Mohamed Bzeek, a cancer survivor who has a home for just dying children

Mohamed Bzeek started doing this when he was 62 years old and was diagnosed with cancer. He is a foster father who only takes in terminally ill kids.

Meditation and yoga can 'reverse' DNA reactions which cause stress, new study suggests

Mind-body interventions (MBIs) such as meditation, yoga and Tai Chi don't simply relax us; they can 'reverse' the molecular reactions in our DNA which cause ill-health and depression, according to a study.

Why the Future of Stuff Is Having More and Owning Less

Technology is enabling us to move away from ownership and towards an economy based on sharing and subscriptions.

No detectable limit to how long people can live: study

By analyzing the lifespan of the longest-living individuals since 1968, a new study comes to conclusion that there is no evidence for an age limit.

First Ultra-Accessible Waterpark for the Disabled Just Opened its Doors in US

America’s first ultra-accessible waterpark has just opened its doors to the public. Every visitor with disabilities is given free admission.

Drop in violence associated with smoke-free policy at psychiatric hospital

The study has important implications for the introduction of smoke-free policies, not only in psychiatric hospitals but also in other institutions such as prisons.

Japan leads world in life expectancy, WHO report says

People in Japan continue to outlive those in other countries, marking the world’s longest average life expectancy of 83.7 years, according to the latest WHO report.

Meditation as an alternative to traditional pain medication

Just ten minutes of mindfulness meditation could be used as an alternative to painkillers, according to new research.

On World Environment Day, Volunteers Remove 160 Tons of Filth From Beach

In honor of the holiday, over 2,000 volunteers gathered on Versova Beach, India, collecting over 160 tons of accumulated trash.

First Asian Country Rules in Favor of Same-sex Marriage

Though the actual legislation is yet to be created, the highest court of the nation has recognized same-sex marriage as a constitutional right.