Best Jupiter Images From Juno So Far

The original plans for the Juno mission to Jupiter didn’t include a color camera. But a camera was added to the manifest, and the incredible images from the JunoCam have been grabbing the spotlight.

NASA's Juno Mission Just Dropped Its First Huge Pile of Results

NASA is releasing Juno’s first scientific results and Jupiter appears a lot weirder than anyone thought it would be.

UAE seeks to build human settlement on Mars by 2117

The United Arab Emirates has unveiled a new project that aims to establish the first inhabitable human settlement on Mars by 2117.

Massive Lava Waves Detected on Jupiter’s Moon Io

New observations suggests that the largest of Jupiter's Moon Io lakes, Loki Patera, produces enormous waves that repeatedly flow around the molten surface.

Approaching Jupiter

The image was taken on 11 December 2016 at 1744 UT, from an altitude of about 52,200 kilometres above the planet’s beautiful cloud tops.

Dark Spot and Jovian ‘Galaxy’

The JunoCam captured this image on 2 February 2017, at 1313 GMT, at an altitude of 14,500 kilometres above the giant planet’s cloud tops.

Cassini offers best-ever view of Saturn's rings

A sequence of images captured by NASA’s Cassini spacecraft last month are the most detailed pictures ever taken of Saturn’s famous rings, revealing complex, unexplained bands and the movements of dozens of tiny icy moonlets spinning around the planet.

An Enormous Atmospheric Anomaly Has Been Spotted On Venus

Using the Akatsuki spacecraft, Japanese scientists have detected a large, bow-shaped anomaly in the upper atmosphere of Venus. Strangely, the 6,200-mile-long structure is refusing to budge despite the 225 mile-per-hour winds that surround it.

Jeff's Earth - 4K

On his most recent trip the International Space Station NASA astronaut Jeff Williams used an Ultra High Definition video camera that he pointed at the planet 250 miles below.

Your home planet, as seen from Mars

From the most powerful telescope orbiting Mars comes a new view of Earth and its moon, showing continent-size detail on the planet and the relative size of the Moon.

8 Space Reasons to Look up in 2017

Everything from meteor showers and eclipses to epic space missions and more, 2017 will be worth looking up for and forward too.

Cassini's Breathtaking New View of Saturn's Enigmatic Hexagon

The NASA mission is getting unprecedented views of the ringed gas giant's biggest mystery

Our Next Trip to Saturn Will Be to Search for Alien Life

As the Cassini spacecraft executes its final daredevil maneuvers, scientists on both sides of the Atlantic are already thinking about the next mission to Saturn. But this time they're talking about hunting for life in Saturn's rings.

Curiosity finds tantalizing clues as it ascends Martian mountain

Boron, changing minerals offer evidence of a habitable lake and complex chemistry.

Ceres: Water ice in eternal polar night

The cameras of the Dawn space probe discover water ice in Ceres' polar region. It can survive for aeons in the extreme cold traps, even though there is no atmosphere.