Scientists have uncovered a new kind of electrical process in the human brain that could play a key role in the unique way our brains compute.Researchers have discovered that certain cells in the human cortex transmit signals in a way not seen before.
Children's average daily screen time increased from 53 minutes at age 12 months to more than 150 minutes at 3 years, according to a recent analysis. By age 8, children were likely to log the highest amount of screen time if they had been born to first-time mothers.
According to a recent study, walking around and offering kindness to others in the world reduces anxiety and increases happiness and feelings of social connection.
Dutch research have now found a correlation between the passive use of social media ( aimlessly scrolling through social media feeds ) and depression symptoms like loneliness and fatigue.
Violent video game play by adolescents is associated with increases in physical aggression over time, according to a new meta-analysis.
From India to Taiwan to Canada to the UK, groups of parents are fighting back against their municipalities' obsession with 'safety at all costs' and insisting that kids have the right to interesting play spaces.
The study compared how adults and children respond to an identical task when in the presence of both their peers and humanoid robots. Children were more likely to give the same responses as the robots.
Some 50 years since the 'marshmallow test' in which most kids gobbled up one treat immediately rather than wait several minutes to get two, today's youngsters may be able to delay gratification significantly longer.
Contrary to popular stereotypes, young men today are likely to be selfless, socially engaged and health-conscious, according to a new study from a Canadian university .
A new research paper in Frontiers of Psychology suggests that we don't consciously choose our thoughts or our feelings – we become aware of them.
Do social pressures cause the evolution of big brains? The debate is ongoing.
Stanford researchers find that focusing on how norms are changing can help people alter their behaviors.
Brief training in mindfulness strategies could help heavy drinkers start to cut back on alcohol consumption, finds a new UCL study.
Spending money on time-saving services reduces stress and boosts overall happiness, according to new research, but shockingly few of us do it.
Individualism is thought to be on the rise in Western countries, but new research suggests that increasing individualism may actually be a global phenomenon.