Germany just approved 1,610 megawatts of offshore wind power

Three offshore wind plants will be constructed in the North Sea and three in the Baltic Sea between 2021 and 2025.

Germany's Living Lab Project Helps to Cut Back CO2

In Berlin, an effort to cut CO2 emissions is underway with a year-long living lab experiment. 100 households are aiming to cut their carbon footprints 40 percent over the course of this year.

German cities get the green light to ban diesel vehicles

The Federal Administrative Court ruled this week that German cities can legally ban diesel vehicles.

German cities to offer free transit to cut air pollution

The German government is considering free public transit as a way of getting people out of their cars.

Europe's First Ultra High Speed Chargers In Germany

Allego has installed the first of several ultra high speed chargers outside Frankfurt am Main, Germany. More will be added to major transportation routes by next summer.

Archaeology fossil teeth discovery in Germany could re-write human history

A 9.7-million-year-old discovery has left a team of German scientists scratching their heads. The teeth seem to belong to a species only known to have appeared in Africa several million years later.

Wind ‘breaks EU record’

WindEurope says 24.6% of Europe’s power met by sector on 28 October

Germany unveils plans for the world's largest EV charging station

A German company plans to build the world’s biggest EV fast-charging station with 144 charging ports.

Germany is electrifying part of the autobahn to cut freight emissions

Siemens and the Germany state of Hesse teamed up to create a 6-mile stretch of eHighway on the autobahn.

LAVA breaks ground on sustainable energy tower in Germany

Laboratory for Visionary Architecture (LAVA) just broke ground on a new energy storage tower for Heidelberg, Germany.

Germany’s power sector making serious strides in renewable energy

From January to June Germany produced a record 35 percent of its electricity from renewable energy. But the country is still struggling with heating and transportation.

Google's Project Sunroof expands to 7 million homes in Germany

Google’s Project Sunroof is launching in Germany today, extending the company’s solar estimator to 7 million homes.

Microsoft to Open an Iinternet of Things and AI Lab in Germany

To help prepare local innovators for this IoT- and AI-enabled future, and forge new technology alliances in the process, Microsoft is making its product and research groups available to area developers.

German 'Largest Artificial Sun' To Generate Climate Friendly Fuel

Dubbed the “artificial Sun”, the Synlight uses concentrated light to power Thermochemical Water Splitting (TWS.) The Synlight project will mimic the effect of intense, continuous solar energy, something that is not readily available in Germany.