Wind meets Denmark's 100% power demand on Sep 15

The strong winds spurred production from wind turbines and helped supply 130% of the country's electricity demand from midnight to midnight last Sunday. The excess power was sold abroad.

US renewable capacity surpasses coal power for first time

A new report shows there was more biomass, geothermal, hydropower, solar and wind capacity installed on the US grid in April 2019 than plants set up to burn the fossil fuel.

The top 10 countries in the world by wind energy capacity

China, US, Germany, India, Spain, UK, France, Brazil, Canada and Italy currently have the highest capacity of wind energy.

Renewable Energy Jobs Reach 10.3 Million Worldwide in 2017

The renewable energy industry created more than 500,000 new jobs globally in 2017, a 5.3 per cent increase from 2016, according to the latest figures released by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA).

Germany just approved 1,610 megawatts of offshore wind power

Three offshore wind plants will be constructed in the North Sea and three in the Baltic Sea between 2021 and 2025.

104% of Portugal’s electricity consumption in March came from renewables

The country’s monthly clean energy production exceeded demand, according to a report.

Oklahoma will be home to the largest wind farm in the US

Oklahoma will soon be home to the largest wind farm in the US, the Wind Catcher project, which will have a capacity of 2,000-MW.

Germany’s power sector making serious strides in renewable energy

From January to June Germany produced a record 35 percent of its electricity from renewable energy. But the country is still struggling with heating and transportation.

These 10 countries are leading the world in solar energy

In a world that's hungry for energy but increasingly wary of the damage that generating power can do, solar might just be the answer: clean energy that's cheap and virtually endless.