A recent study examines the discovery of what astronomers are dubbing "ultra-fast radio bursts", a new type of fast radio bursts (FRBs) that the team determined lasts for a mind-boggling ten millionths of a second or less.
Fast radio bursts, or FRBs, are an astronomical mystery, with their exact cause and origins still unconfirmed. A recent research found several notable similarities between FRBs and earthquakes.
A very rare, strange burst of extraordinarily bright light in the universe just got even stranger. The phenomenon, called a Luminous Fast Blue Optical Transient (LFBOT), flashed onto the scene where it wasn't expected to be found.
TOI-4860b happens to orbit a tiny star, completing each lap in just 1.52 days. It joins a small number of worlds that pose a fascinating puzzle - there are currently no known formation pathways for such chonkin' planets around such small stars.
This hypothetical planet is provisionally known as Planet 9. Computer simulations show it must be a very large planet, consisting of between four and eight times the mass of the Earth and at least ten times the distance of Pluto.
A strange radio signal pulsing from a spot 15,000 light-years away could point to an unconfirmed type of star.
A survey of the galaxy has revealed hundreds of mysterious cosmic threads pointing towards the supermassive black hole at the heart of the Milky Way. The filaments stretch five to ten light years through space.
The explosive event labeled AT2021lwx was observed to be ten times brighter than any known supernova. This thing we have never, ever seen before – it just came out of nowhere.
In a new research scientists observed a repeating fast radio burst for more than a year and discovered signs it is surrounded by a strong but highly changeable magnetic field.
There’s a celestial body in the galaxy messier 82also known as the Cigar Galaxywhich emits 10 million times more light than the Sun. According to the laws of Physics,this is only possible if the body is about to explode.
In new research, a Canadian-led team of astronomers turned up another 25 repeating FRBs, doubling the number already discovered.
Scientists have unlocked one of the biggest mysteries of quasars—the brightest, most powerful objects in the universe—by discovering that they are ignited by galaxies colliding.
Of the over 1,000 FRBs detected to date, only 29 were identified as repeating. The nature of fast radio bursts is still unknown.
A team of scientists from the University in Bulgaria say they have developed a novel new method that could help scientists differentiate between black holes and hypothetical wormholes.
Astronomers around the world are captivated by an unusually bright and long-lasting pulse of high-energy radiation that swept over Earth Sunday, Oct. 9. The emission came from a gamma-ray burst (GRB). Its cause is unknown.