Emotional robot lets you feel how it's 'feeling'

Researchers have developed a prototype of a robot that can express 'emotions' through changes in its outer surface. The robot's skin covers a grid of texture units whose shapes change based on the robot's feelings.

Scientists created AI from DNA

Test tube chemistry using synthetic DNA molecules can be utilized in complex computing tasks to exhibit artificial intelligence

Future Keyboards

South Korean researchers used carbon nanotubes and AI to create an ultra-thin portable keyboard that can be crumpled up like paper without breaking it.

Project Debater can argue with humans

IBM Project Debater is the latest artificial intelligence that pulls in data from hundreds of millions of sources to win a debating argument.

Self-Taught AI Masters Rubik’s Cube in Just 44 Hours

DeepCube, an artificially intelligent system learned to dominate Rubik’s Cube without any human intervention. This research could be used to solve real-world problems, such as predicting the 3D shape of proteins.

The food system and AI’s transformative potential

Artificial intelligence has the potential to radically reinvent the global food production system, with far reaching consequences on health, nutrition and environmental impact.

The world’s most powerful supercomputer

US engineers have just unveiled Summit, a supercomputer which is capable, at peak performance, of 200 petaflops—200 million billion calculations a second.

Tech Optimists See a Golden Future

Tech evangelists dream of a future when we’re all liberated from mundane work by artificial intelligence. In the long term, automation of labor might benefit the human species immensely.

UK Government Proposes Five Basic Principles to Keep AI safe and ethical

Britain is in a strong position to be a world leader in the development of artificial intelligence. But to get there—and to keep AI safe and ethical—tech firms should follow the Committee’s newly proposed “AI Code.”

Robots Are Now Beating Humans At Reading Comprehension Tests Too

The algorithm, which uses natural-language processing, managed to beat human scores on the Stanford Question Answering Dataset (SQuAD).

We've Entered a New Era of Quantum Computing

When future computing historians look back on the era starting around 2017, they’ll have a word to describe it: the NISQ era.

Largest known prime number discovered

The new prime number is nearly one million digits larger than the previous record prime number, in a special class of extremely rare prime numbers known as Mersenne primes.

Teaching Machines to Think Like Humans

A new type of neural network made with memristors can dramatically improve the efficiency of teaching machines to think like humans.

Could AI help to create a meat-free world?

The more meat and animal products we eat, the quicker we deplete the Earth's resources. Could artificial intelligence devise new ways to make meat-free foods that taste great as well?

Google AI Helps NASA Discover New Exoplanet

Google Machine Learning Technology recently helped scientists at NASA discover two new planets far outside the solar system.