Enabling human-robot rescue teams

System could help prevent robots from overwhelming human teammates with information.

An open-source robo-surgeon

University of Washington researchers have developed medical robots with wing-like arms, called Ravens, for robotic surgery. Originally developed for the

Robot artist sketches portraits

Robots take a stab at replacing Picasso.

Robot controls a person’s arm using electrodes

A robot that can control both its own arm and a person’s arm to manipulate objects in a collaborative manner has been developed by Montpellier Laboratory

Telexistence robot avatar transmits sight, hearing and touch

TELESAR V, a  telexistence robot system being researched at Keio University, aims to free people from time and space constraints by using remotely

Stunning video of PETMAN humanoid robot from Boston Dynamics

The company has released footage of its most advanced biped robot walking and doing push-ups

Japanese scientist unveils 'thinking' robot

Robots that learn from experience and can solve novel problems -- just like humans -- sound like science fiction.

Robot biologist solves complex problem from scratch

First it was chess. Then it was Jeopardy. Now computers are at it again, but this time they are trying to automate the scientific process itself.

Chatty robots go viral on youtube

(PhysOrg.com) -- An online chat between two robots set up by Cornell students is entertaining the nation.

RIBA-II: the next generation care-giving robot

A new robot using high-precision tactile sensors and flexible motor control technology has taken Japan one step closer to its goal of providing high-quality care for its growing elderly population. The new robot can lift a patient up to 80 kilograms in weight off floor-level bedding and into a wheelchair, freeing care facility personnel of one of their most difficult and energy-consuming tasks.

Researchers give robot ability to learn [+video]

Researchers with the Hasegawa Group at the Tokyo Institute of Technology have created a robot that is capable of applying learned concepts to perform new tasks. Using a type of self-replicating neural technology they call the Self-Organizing Incremental Neural Network (SOINN), the team has released a video demonstrating the robot’s ability to understand it’s environment and to carry out instructions that it previously didn’t know how to do.

Bionic microrobot walks on water — perfect spybot, say chinese scientists

A new aquatic microrobot that mimics the water-walking abilities of the water strider has been developed by researchers at the Harbin Institute of

Researchers mimic nature to create a 'bio-inspired brain' for robots

Engineers are developing bio-inspired integrated circuit technology which mimics the neuron structure and operation of the brain.

‘Lovotics’: the new science of engineering human, robot love

Bi-directional love between a human and a robot --- realistic, genuine, biologically-inspired love --- is the goal of Hooman Samani, an AI researcher at the

Scientists developing robotic hand of the future

Researchers in Spain are working to create a robotic hand that can reproduce the abilities and movements of a human hand in order to achieve the optimal manipulation of objects.