Stunning video of PETMAN humanoid robot from Boston Dynamics

The company has released footage of its most advanced biped robot walking and doing push-ups

The rise of artificial intelligence personal assistant

Soon each and every one of us will have a PA, even PAs themselves. Artificial Intelligence Assistants are at last making a proper entrance.

Scientists develop sensitive skin for robots: intelligent machines develop 'self-awareness'

Robots will soon be able to feel heat or gentle touching on their surfaces. Researchers in Germany are now producing small hexagonal plates which when joined together form a sensitive skin for "machines with brains." This will not only help robots to better navigate in their environments, it will also enable robot

Machines will achieve human-level intelligence in the 2028 to 2150 range: poll

Machines will achieve human-level intelligence by 2028 (median estimate: 10% chance), by 2050 (median estimate: 50% chance), or by 2150 (median estimate:

AI algorithm gives computers ‘hindsight’ to anticipate the future

An AI algorithm that gives computers hindsight to anticipate the future has been developed by computer scientists and economists at Tel Aviv