Researchers using the Hubble Space Telescope observed one of the closest globulars to Earth – NGC 6397 and were surprised to find signs of multiple stellar-mass black holes.
The star in question is called Swift J1818.0–1Th607 is what's known as a magnetar, though, none of the magnetars have ever been observed pulsing in quite the same way as Swift J1818.0–1607.
A mysteriously dimming star located about 1,480 light-years away in the constellation of Cygnus and known as Tabby's star is, in fact, a binary stellar system, made up of a F-type star and a smaller red dwarf star.
Only 31 magnetars ( type of neutron star that has the strongest magnetic field ) have even been discovered and recently astronomers have found an extremely unique object that is both a magnetar and a pulsar.
Until now, the source of Fast Radio Bursts was a mystery. Now astronomers at multiple institutions have pinpointed the FRB spotted in the Milky Way and conclude it most likely was generated by a magnetar.
The record-breaking field was discovered at the surface of a neutron star called GRO J1008-57 with a magnetic field strength of approximately 1 BILLION Tesla. For comparison, the Earth’s magnetic field is about 1/20,000 of a Tesla.
Killer cosmic rays from nearby supernovae could be the culprit behind at least one mass extinction event, researchers said, and finding certain radioactive isotopes in Earth.
The star with the smallest orbit is known as S62. Its closest approach to the black hole has it moving more than 8% of light speed. S62 orbits our supermassive black hole Sagittarius A every ten years.
Can a massive star collapse into a black hole without first exploding in a supernova blast? That’s at least one explanation for the disappearance of a star 2.5 mil times brighter than the sun in a dwarf galaxy 75 mil light years away.
Magnetars generate the absolute most powerful magnetic fields the cosmos has ever seen – and astronomers have recently spotted a newborn. It appears to be the youngest- ever magnetar ever detected.
Astronomy is advancing to the point where we can see planets forming around young stars. This was an unthinkable only a few years ago. It was only two years ago that astronomers captured the first image of a newly-forming planet.
A Milky Way magnetar called SGR 1935+2154 may have just massively contributed to solving the mystery of powerful deep-space radio signals that have vexed astronomers for years.
Astronomers have spotted the brightest and most energetic supernova ever recorded. The event, known as SN2016aps, may have been the result of two stars merging and then exploding.
Scientists identified the cause of the unusual single-sided pulsation of the star named HD 74423. It is located in a binary star system with a red dwarf - its close companion distorts the oscillations with its gravitational pull.
Follow the story of golden atoms from their birth in stellar explosions via incorporation into formation of our planet to their coming together in a golden nugget and appearance in the Earth's crust.