Earth interacted with supernova remnants for 1 million years

Discovery of a time-resolved supernova signal in Earth's microfossils. According to the researcher's analyses, our solar system spent one million years to transit trough the remnants of a supernova.

A giant stellar void in the Milky Way

A major revision is required in our understanding of our Milky Way Galaxy. Astronomers have found that there is a huge region around the center of our own galaxy, which is devoid of young stars.

A young star is living out a growth spurt far from any other objects

In 2009 astronomers detected an unusual object, named CX330, as a source of X-rays as it was surveying the center of the Milky Way galaxy but they had not idea what it was. Today, astronomers have a better idea to what this strange object is.

New Hubble Picture Gives First Peek Inside Crab Nebula

Astronomers at last have a clear glimpse of the eye of a massive celestial storm.

Kickstarter Shines a Light on Tabby's Star

To find out what's going on around the weirdest star in the galaxy, astronomers are turning to crowdfunding.

The secret life of the Orion Nebula

Amelia Stutz and Andrew Gould from the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy in Heidelberg are bringing gravity and magnetic fields into play. To test their idea, they undertook a detailed investigation of the Orion Nebula, 1300 light-years away.

Three potentially habitable worlds found around nearby ultracool dwarf star

Currently the best place to search for life beyond the solar system. TRAPPIST-1 is an ultracool dwarf star -- it is much cooler and redder than the Sun and barely larger than Jupiter.

Astrophysicists find triple star system with 'hot Jupiter'

Crisp, clear images of a "hot Jupiter" system captured by a physicist were vital in determining that a newly found planet inhabits a three-star system, a phenomenon documented only a few times before.

Astronomers just found a stable planet in a triple-star system

While we sit here on Earth looking up in wonder at how awesome our star, the Sun, is, astronomers have just found a stable planet inside a triple-star system that makes our Solar System seem rather boring.

Astronomers report most 'outrageously' luminous galaxies ever observed

Astronomers report that they have observed the most luminous galaxies ever seen in the Universe, objects so bright that established descriptors such as 'ultra-' and 'hyper-luminous' used to describe previously brightest known galaxies don't even come close.

Quasars slowed star formation, new research shows: Study finding first observed evidence of galactic-wind phenomenon

Research has found new persuasive evidence that could help solve a longstanding mystery in astrophysics: why did the pace of star formation in the universe slow down some 11 billion years ago?

Caught for the First Time: The Early Flash of an Exploding Star

This animation is based on photometric observations made by NASA’s Kepler space telescope. By closely monitoring the star KSN 2011d, located 1.2 billion light-years away, Kepler caught the onset of the early flash and subsequent explosion.

Caught in the act: UW astronomers find a rare supernova 'impostor' in a nearby galaxy

University of Washington astronomers have identified a rare type of supernova

Scientists have discovered the largest known solar system

Astronomers have found the largest known solar system, linking together a star and what was thought to be a free-floating 'lonely planet' in orbit some 1 trillion (1 million million) kilometres away from its sun.

Black Hole Suns Could Support Weird Forms of Complex Life

Someone hug Interstellar’s science advisor. Just like in the film, a new study finds that a black hole with exactly the right temperature could serve as a cold sun and even support complex lifeforms.