NASA’s Juno spacecraft sends back new photos of Jupiter

Juno took the photo 8,000 miles from the cloud tops during its 18th close flyby of Jupiter on February 12. Overall, 32 flybys are planned, so Juno is just beginning the second half of its flybys.

Israel is sending its first spacecraft to the moon

On Thursday, SpaceIL's spacecraft, Beresheet, was launched aboard a SpaceX rocket. It will take a couple of months for it to reach the moon, and landing will be the most difficult part.

Opportunity Mars Rover is now lost to us

Opportunity landed on Mars more than 15 Earth years ago, on January 25, 2004. Originally designed for 90-day lifetimes, the rovers persisted. It roved a staggering 45.16 kilometers across the Red Planet.

Scientists fire harpoon on mission to eradicate space junk

A spacecraft has successfully fired a harpoon into a target orbiting Earth in an operation that could help clean-up the tonnes of space junk threatening telecommunications satellites.

What you can see in space in 2019

This year, space fans will be treated to two lunar mission, the Apollo 11 anniversary, some lunar and solar eclipses, and brand-new spacecrafts heading for the ISS.

First Ever Seeds on the Far Side of the Moon

The cotton seeds sprouted inside of a container as part of the lunar mini-biosphere experiment aboard the lander. And, just over a week later, or some 213 hours, the experiment is over and the plants are dead.

Check out world's first panorama of the Moon's far side

Eight days after its historic landing on the far side of the Moon, China’s Chang’e 4 lander has captured its first panoramic image.

First exoplanets discovered by NASA’s TESS mission

The three confirmed planets discovered so far using TESS are all within 100 light-years of our solar system, substantially closer than the nearly 2,700 validated worlds detected using Kepler.

China lands Chang’e-4 mission on the far side of the Moon

China has now landed its fourth and most ambitious lunar exploration mission on Thursday, January 3, 2019. This is the first mission to land on the far side of the Moon.

Juno Flyby Captures New Images of Jupiter's moon Io

A team of space scientists has captured new images of a volcanic plume on Jupiter’s moon Io on Dec. 21, during winter solstice, four of Juno’s cameras captured images of the Jovian moon Io, the most volcanic body in our solar system.

Humanity’s first-ever Kuiper Belt rendezvous

A fresh image from NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft released Tuesday showed the mission’s distant flyby target a billion miles beyond Pluto — nicknamed Ultima Thule — has an elongated shape.

Voyager 2 crosses solar boundary, moves into interstellar space

More than 41 years and nearly 18 billion km from Earth, NASA’s Voyager 2 probe has finally passed beyond the protective bubble defined by the Sun’s magnetic fields and solar wind, joining its sistership Voyager 1 in the interstellar space.

China launches historic mission to land on far side of the moon

The Chang’e 4 mission lifted off Friday 18:23 GMT (1:23 p.m. EST) from China’s Xichang space center, kicking off a journey that will culminate in an attempt in early January to touch down on the far side of the Moon for the first time.

NASA's InSight Mars Lander 'Hears' Martian Wind, a Cosmic First

For the first time in history, we can hear the wind on Mars. With its InSight Lander NASA provided a version of the recording shifted up in pitch, which pulls some of the otherwise-inaudible infrasound into hearing range.

NASA mission OSIRIS-REx has arrived at near-Earth asteroid Bennu

It will map and study the tiny world in great detail, eventually returning a piece of Bennu to Earth in 2023. The discoveries of OSIRIS-REx will shed light on our solar system's ancient history.