Nasa SpaceX Dragon crew returns

Two American astronauts have splashed down yesterday, as the first commercial crewed mission to the International Space Station returned to Earth. Its the first crewed US water landing in 45 years.

NASA, ULA Launch Perseverance Rover to Mars

NASA's Mars 2020 Perseverance rover mission is on its way to the Red Planet to search for signs of ancient life and collect samples to send back to Earth.

China Launches First Independent Mission to Mars

An unmanned spacecraft blasted off Thursday on a yearlong journey to Mars. The Tianwen-1, which translates into “Questions to Heaven,” is expected to reach the Red Planet by February.

UAE launches world's first mission to Mars

The Hope orbiter will arrive in February 2021 to begin a two-year survey of the weather on the red planet. For Emirati scientists the mission represents a new chapter in the history of scientific discovery.

The Solar Orbiter On Its Journey to the Sun

The Solar Orbiter project, a collaboration between the European Space Agency and NASA, has begun a critical new stage of the mission after the probe's first close encounter with the Sun.

How to Make the Food and Water on Mars

Projects BIOWYSE and TIME SCALE are being developed in Norway. These two systems are all about providing astronauts with a sustainable and renewable supply of drinking water and plant food. 

NASA's Plans For a Lunar Base Camp

When the Artemis III mission lands on the lunar surface in 2024 - it will serve as a stepping stone towards the creation of a permanent human presence on the Moon, NASA hopes.

BepiColombo mission is heading to Mercury

Scientists are still preparing for the crucial fly-by of Earth by the joint European–Japanese BepiColombo mission to Mercury on 10 April, despite COVID-19 quarantine.

Lettuce grown in space as nutritious as ones on Earth

Researchers have found that the lettuce, grown on board the International Space Station, is as nutritious as counterparts grown on the Earth, an advance that may help astronauts grow safe, fresh food during space missions.

Two commercial satellites link up for first time

A robotic servicing spacecraft has hooked up with an aging satellite over the Pacific Ocean. It accomplished the first link-up between two commercial satellites in space, and the first docking with a satellite that was never designed to receive a visitor.

NASA mathematician Katherine Johnson dies at 101

NASA mathematician Katherine Johnson did more than just calculate rocket trajectories for early space missions. Her story, when it was finally told, completely changed people's perceptions about who has been and who can be important in history. 

NASA's possible planetary missions

NASA has selected four possible planetary science missions for further evaluation, two focused on Venus, one on Jupiter's volcanic moon Io and one on Neptune's icy moon Triton. Final selections will be made next year.

The European Space Agency’s Solar Orbiter launched

A NASA-supplied Atlas 5 rocket launched the European Space Agency’s Solar Orbiter spacecraft 9 February, kicking off an innovative mission to study the Sun in unprecedented detail, complementing close-in observations by NASA’s Parker Solar Probe.

ESA's CHEOPS mission Just Launched Successfully

CHEOPS stands for the Characterizing Exoplanet Satellite. It’s a partnership between ESA and Switzerland, with 10 other EU states contributing. Its mission is not to find more exoplanets, but to study the ones we already know of.

NASA's New Spacesuits

NASA unveiled new spacesuits that astronauts will wear on the moon and Mars. The suits are designed to outperform those used during the Apollo program.