The amount of e-waste in Asia has jumped by nearly two-thirds in five years, raising hazards for the environment and for the people dismantling discarded gadgets.
In an anonymous survey given to nearly 3,500 pilots by Harvard researchers, only 1,848 were willing to answer mental health questions. But of those that did 12.6 percent met the criteria for clinical depression and four percent reported having suicidal thoughts.
South Africa on Wednesday begins a major clinical trial of an experimental vaccine against the AIDS virus, which scientists hope could be the "final nail in the coffin" for the disease.
The Indian capital, Delhi, is experiencing its most dangerous levels of air pollution in years. In some areas, the level of air pollution is 10 times more than the recommended safe limit.
An analysis of 15 years' worth of experimental research into the health risks posed by sweetened beverages is raising questions about the impartiality and credibility of studies funded by the soda industry.
A recent discovery of documents that are nearly 50 years old has shown how the practice of funding specific research has been employed by the sugar industry for decades, producing influential evidence that diminishes the impact that sugar has on heart disease.
Tiny magnetic particles from air pollution have for the first time been discovered to be lodged in human brains– and researchers think they could be a possible cause of Alzheimer’s disease.
NYC (USA) health officials estimate that fine particulate matter (known as PM2.5) contributes to nearly 2,000 premature deaths and more than 6,000 hospital visits per year.
Each year about 6.5 million deaths worldwide are linked to air pollution, a number that could grow in coming decades unless the energy sector steps up its efforts to slash emissions, the International Energy Agency warned.
Air pollution -- including environmental and household air pollution -- has emerged as a leading risk factor for stroke worldwide, associated with about a third of the global burden of stroke in 2013, according to a new study.
A quarter of all global deaths annually are related to environmental pollution and the death rate is increasing significantly, the World Health Organisation warned in its latest report.