For over 130 years, aluminum has been produced in the same dirty, greenhouse gas-releasing way. Now Apple is investing $10 million in a carbon-free aluminum smelting process.
JetBlue airlines has just announced the success of their 10-year mission to reduce their carbon footprint and promote sustainability by fighting the effects of climate change.
Coal-fired power plants were absent from Britain’s energy mix for more than two days straight this week, in a latest sign that the days of using coal are well and truly numbered.
Last year, the world invested more in solar power than in all fossil-fuel sources combined. “We are at a turning point … from fossil fuels to the renewable world,” UN Environment head Erik Solheim told.
The UK is the first G7 country to commit to such an analysis, which could help bring its emissions in line with Paris agreement goals.
While shipping was not covered by the Paris Agreement, under the new plan, participating countries plan to reduce shipping emissions at least 50 percent by 2050.
The ‘cool pavement’ project prevents asphalt from retaining heat by using reflective gray sealant to create cooler temperatures in urban neighborhoods.
“Unless we make decisions today that will essentially take effect in 30 or more years’ time, we run the risk of acting too late and causing abrupt shocks to communities and our country,” said NZ Prime Minister.
The Scandinavian powerhouse aims to completely eliminate coal dependency by 2029, one year ahead of its previous goal of 2030, environment minister said Tuesday.
While China’s economy is becoming more efficient, the country hasn't yet actually reduced its total amount of emissions.
In Berlin, an effort to cut CO2 emissions is underway with a year-long living lab experiment. 100 households are aiming to cut their carbon footprints 40 percent over the course of this year.
More than 100 cities worldwide get at least 70 percent of their electricity from renewable sources, according to a new initiative. How did they manage and what can we learn from them.
The Irish Government has announced plans to spend €22 billion over the next four years to aid the country’s journey to a low-carbon and climate resilient economy.
UK Scientists have learned that farming with crushed silicate rocks mixed into the soil could improve global food security, increase crop yield and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Due to rising concerns surrounding air pollution-related deaths, China is trying to invest more heavily in renewable energy projects.