Without car sharing policies, urban traffic gets much, much worse

Cities plagued with terrible traffic problems may be overlooking a simple, low-cost solution: High-occupancy vehicle (HOV) policies.

This urban ‘tree’ cleans as much polluted air as an entire forest

In addition to being aesthetically pleasing, the invention is said to have the same environmental impact as 275 urban trees.

Pollution 'devastating' China's vital ecosystem, research shows

The startling extent to which man-made pollution is devastating China's vital ecosystem's ability to offset damaging carbon emissions has been revealed.

Exposure to toxins during late pregnancy and early life correlate with autism risk

Researchers found that differences in the uptake of multiple toxic and essential elements over the second and third trimesters and early postnatal periods are associated with the risk of developing autism spectrum disorders (ASD).

Human activity has polluted European air for 2,000 years, study finds

A new study shows metal mining and smelting have polluted the environment for thousands of years, challenging the widespread belief that environmental pollution began with the Industrial Revolution.

Diesels pollute more than lab tests detect

Because of testing inefficiencies cars, trucks and buses worldwide emit 4.6 million tons more harmful nitrogen oxide (NOx) than standards allow, according to a new study.

China is set to build this smog-eating 'Forest City' filled with tree-covered skyscrapers

An architect envisions that his futuristic development could contain up to 200 vegetation-covered towers, a train system, and lots of green space.

London and Paris mayors announce new emissions monitoring system for vehicles

The mayors of London and Paris are acting to cut air pollution in their cities by monitoring emissions and rating vehicles based on their score.

Lead exposure in childhood linked to lower IQ as adults

A long-term study of 565 children who grew up in the era of leaded gasoline has shown that their exposure to the powerful neurotoxin led to a loss of intelligence and occupational standing by the time they reached age 38.

Smog-Filtering Screens Will Make Our Polluted Future Slightly More Tolerable

Scientists at National University of Singapore have created a transparent smog-filtering window screen.

Volkswagen Group's excess emissions will lead to 1,200 premature deaths in Europe

The researchers estimate that 1,200 people in Europe will die early, each losing as much as a decade of their life, as a result of excess emissions generated between 2008 and 2015 by affected cars sold in Germany.

New map reveals the world's most toxic countries

Just about every country in the world grapples with pollution, no matter how rich or poor they are. But you may not be aware of just how toxic your locale is. The Eco Experts from the United Kingdom recently cross-referenced data to rank the countries of the world by toxicity on a new map,

Schools in China begin installing greenhouse-like anti-smog domes

Several schools in northern China are installing huge domes where children can play and exercise during recess to protect them from the smog outside.