JWST offers best glimpse ever into the icy planetesimals

New studies led by researchers at the University of Central Florida offer for the first time a clearer picture of how the outer solar system formed and evolved based on analyses of trans-Neptunian objects (TNOs) and centaurs. 

Supermassive black holes halt rapid construction in an ancient celestial city

Galaxy clusters -- the big cities of the universe -- are home to many giant elliptical galaxies that have completed their growth and are not forming stars. However, it is still unclear what has shut down star formation. 

Air pollution in India linked to millions of deaths

A new study shows that long-term exposure to air pollution contributes to millions of deaths in India. The research emphasizes the need for stricter air quality regulations in the country.

Chart of life extended by nearly 1.5 billion years

Fossilized skeletons and shells clearly show how evolution and extinction unfolded over the past half a billion years, but a new analysis extends the chart of life to nearly 2 billion years ago. 

New evidence exists for hidden water reservoirs and rare magmas on ancient Mars

The research suggests that the thick crust of Mars' southern highlands formed billions of years ago generated granitic magmas and sustained vast underground aquifers.

The Moon might be older than scientists previously thought

An extreme heating event may have interfered with scientists' attempts to figure out the Moon's age by dating lunar rock samples.

Astronomers' world-first discovery: twin stars trapped in galactic black hole orbit

The discovery helps explain a long-running cosmic mystery about why some stars hurtle through space much faster than others.

Saturn's Rings May Be as Old as the Gas Giant Itself

Saturn’s icy rings could be much older than they appear due to their resistance to pollution from impacts with rocky debris.

No shallow magma ocean for Jupiter's moon Io

Io does not have a shallow global magma ocean beneath its surface, counter to previous claims, suggests a paper published in Nature.

New hope for an atmosphere on TRAPPIST-1 exoplanet

Data from 2023 soured hopes that a nearby exoplanet had a habitable atmosphere. That disappointment might have been premature.

Life Could Exist in Space Even Without Planets, Scientists Say

We focus on planets as habitats for life but what if other environments, even ones maintained by organisms themselves, can also provide these necessities?

Mystery Signals May Be Coming From One of The Rarest Stars in The Galaxy

A few years ago, a radio telescope operating out of the desert of Western Australia observed something very weird.

Dark Matter May Have Existed Before The Big Bang, Study Finds

In case dark matter didn't seem mysterious enough, a new study proposes that it could have arisen before the Big Bang.

Mysterious Cause of Massive Elephant Die-Off in 2020 Finally Revealed

The first dead elephants were discovered in May 2020. By July of that year, over 350 of the endangered animals had been found strewn lifeless across a remote region of Botswana.

Our Sun Could Be Overdue For a Violent Superflare, Study Warns

A new analysis of the eruption rates of 56,400 Sun-like stars has estimated that the Sun's superflare rate is at the low end of that scale – once every 100 years.