Fast radio bursts may be firing off every second

Fast radio bursts were first detected in 2001. Since then, astronomers have found a couple of dozen FRBs, but they still don’t know what causes these rapid and powerful bursts of radio emission.

Breakthrough Detects Fast Radio Bursts Coming from Distant Galaxy

Using the Green Bank Telescope, researchers with Breakthrough Listen recently detected repeating fast radio bursts coming from a distant galaxy.

New Study of Antares Creates the Best Map Ever of a Distant Star

A new research study by a group of astronomers, based on observation using the VLTI, has created the most detailed map of a star other than the Sun.

NASA’s Webb Telescope Will Study Our Solar System’s “Ocean Worlds”

weJames Webb telescope will study the “ocean worlds” of Jupiter’s moon Europa and Saturn’s moon Enceladus, the telescope’s observations could also help guide future missions to the icy moons.

Scientists discovered one of the brightest galaxies known

Thanks to an amplified image produced by a gravitational lens, and the Gran Telescopio CANARIAS a team of scientists have discovered one of the brightest galaxies known.

Eight planetary systems found hosting 20 super-Earth & Neptune-mass companions 

The 20 new worlds have been found around eight bright, Sun-like stars by the HARPS Echelle Spectograph instrument, mounted on the 3.6m telescope at the European Southern Observatory in Chile.

Heart of an exploded star observed in 3D

The researchers have produced an intricate 3D rendering of newly formed molecules inside the supernova remnant using ALMA telescope.

Hubble Sees Clumps of New Stars in Lensed Galaxy

Analyzing a galaxy through a gravitational lens, astronomers obtained images 10 times sharper than Hubble could see on its own.

Updated Kepler catalog contains 219 new exoplanet candidates

NASA’s Kepler space telescope team has identified 219 new planet candidates, 10 of which are near-Earth size and in the habitable zone of their star

Construction Begins on the Next Super Telescope

The construction of the world’s largest telescope has begun. Officials gathered to celebrate the first stone of the European Extremely Large Telescope’s (E-ELT) long-awaited construction.

Rise of the Super Telescopes

The next generations will be fed a steady diet of images and discoveries stemming from the Super Telescopes. And the LUVOIR will be front and centre among those ‘scopes.

Spiral Galaxies Shimmer in Hubble Telescope's 27th Birthday Photos

The aging space observatory, which launched into low Earth orbit on April 24, 1990, kicked off this year's birthday celebration with some dazzling new views of a pair of spiral galaxies.

NASA aims for 2025 launch of next ‘great observatory’

The WFIRST mission, the next in the agency’s line of powerful observatories after the Hubble and James Webb telescopes to probe the make-up of planets around nearby stars and a bigger-than-expected launch vehicle.

Scientists Are Turning Earth Into a Telescope to See a Black Hole

The Event Horizon Telescope, or EHT, is a network of around ten radio telescope observatories across the planet, synchronized via the most precise atomic clocks, and pointed directly at the center of our galaxy.

NASA's Next Great Space Telescope (JWST)

One particular goal of JWST involves observing some of the most distant events and objects in the Universe. Another goal is understanding the formation of stars and planets. This will include direct imaging of exoplanets.