Large Binocular Telescope Spots Volcanic Event on Jupiter's Moon Io

Using the SHARK-VIS instrument on the Large Binocular Telescope on Mount Graham in Arizona, the United States, astronomers have captured the highest resolution optical images of Io ever obtained from a ground-based telescope.

Martian meteorites deliver a trove of information on Red Planet's structure

Mars has a distinct structure in its mantle and crust with discernible reservoirs, and this is known thanks to meteorites that scientists have analyzed. 

Scientists Intrigued By Almost Perfectly Circular Pit on the Surface of Mars

NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) has discovered another intriguing formation on the planet's barren surface. Despite their best efforts, scientists can only guess as to how exactly holes like this one were formed.

A Bizarre Form of Water Could Help Explain Uranus's Messy Magnetism

One of the most peculiar things about Uranus and Neptune is their magnetic fields.

A Bizarre Form of Water Could Help Explain Uranus's Messy Magnetism

One of the most peculiar things about Uranus and Neptune is their magnetic fields.

Recent and extensive volcanism discovered on Venus

A new analysis of data collected on Venus more than 30 years ago suggests the planet may currently be volcanically active.

A Spectacular, Rare Alignment of 6 Planets Is About to Happen in The Sky

Six of the planets of the Solar System are about to line up for a rare sight in Earth's sky.

The Solar Storm Was So Intense We Felt It Even at The Bottom of The Ocean

A solar storm that filled Earth's skies with shimmering curtains of light in May 2024 was so intense that its effects were felt, even at the bottom of the ocean.

Perseverance: Nasa's Mars rover celebrates 1,000 days of science

Nasa says its Perseverance rover has essentially completed the job it was asked to do when it landed on Mars in February 2021.

Strange Blobs Deep Within Earth May Have Created Plate Tectonics

On the scale of cataclysmic events, the whomping impact of a Mars-sized object that crashed into Earth some 4.5 billion years ago ranks pretty highly: thought to have set in motion the movement of our planet's fractured, rocky crust.

A new explanation for what happened to the water on Venus

A new study details dissociative recombination, which may have led to Venus losing its water.

Running Around a "Wall of Death" Could Help Astronauts Exercise

Motorcyclists have long ridden on an apparatus called the “wall of death,” which involves driving in circles parallel to the ground. Scientists are theorizing that something similar could be used for astronauts to exercise on the Moon.

Life on Mars seems very likely after recent Curiosity rover discovery

The mystery of life’s origins on Earth has long puzzled scientists, but a recent discovery on Mars might be shedding new light on this profound question, while also inching closer to finding life on Mars.

New evidence found for Planet 9

A small team of planetary scientists from U.S. reports possible new evidence of Planet 9.

Orbiter Spots "Spiders" on Surface of Mars

These so called "spiders" are the result of a complex geological process that causes carbon dioxide to sublimate, digging up darker material from below the surface during the planet's spring.