Sequencing a human genome in one day for $1,000

Life Technologies Corporation announced Tuesday that it is taking orders for its new benchtop Ion Proton Sequencer, designed to sequence the entire human

Scientists create first 3-D map of human genome

( -- For the first time, scientists have developed a method for generating accurate three-dimensional models of the entire DNA strand of a cell, known as a genome.

"Time Cloak" created; can make events disappear. Experiment is first to make a hole in time, expert says.

A new experiment bent light to make a hole in time—albeit one that lasted only about 40 trillionths of a second.

'Squeezed' quantum vacuum filled with atoms

Quantum theory is known for its peculiar concepts that appear to contradict the fundamental principles of traditional physics. Researchers have now succeeded in creating a special quantum state between two mesoscopic gases with approximately 500 atoms. The state is known as a “squeezed“ vacuum, in which measuring one gas affects the results of the measurement on the other. To produce these results the team had to develop a novel detection technique to measure values in atomic gases that were previously unobtainable.

In the quantum world, diamonds can communicate with each other

Researchers working at the Clarendon Laboratory at the University of Oxford in England have managed to get one small diamond to communicate with another small diamond utilizing "quantum entanglement," one of the more mind-blowing features of quantum physics.

Racing to be the first to create the world's heaviest element

All heavy elements are created in gigantic supernova explosions. Now scientists are competing to create the world

Pitt discoveries in quantum physics could change face of technology

Researchers at the University of Pittsburgh have made advances in better understanding correlated quantum matter that could change technology as we know it, according to a study published in the Nov. 20 edition of <em>Nature</em>.

Creating photons from a vacuum

Scientists at Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden have succeeded in creating photons from a vacuum. The experiment is based on one of the most

World’s lightest material is 100 times lighter than Styrofoam

The world’s lightest material --- with a density of 0.9 mg/cc --- about 100 times lighter than Styrofoam --- has been developed by a team of researchers

Researchers unravel the mystery of quantum dot blinking

( -- Research by Los Alamos scientists published today in the journal Nature documents significant progress in understanding the phenomenon of quantum-dot blinking. Their findings should enhance the ability of biologists to track single particles, enable technologists to create novel light-emitting diodes and single-photon sources, and boost efforts of energy researchers to develop new types of highly efficient solar cells.

Research sparks record-breaking solar cell performances

( -- Theoretical research by scientists with the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)&#146;s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) has led to record-breaking sunlight-to-electricity conversion efficiencies in solar cells. The researchers showed that, contrary to conventional scientific wisdom, the key to boosting solar cell efficiency is not absorbing more photons but emitting more photons.

New process for manufacturing nanocellulose: using nanocellulose to create novel composite materials

For some time now nanocellulose has been at the focus of a good deal of industrial and scientific interest as a novel biomaterial. Potential applications range from the creation of new kinds of commercially useful materials and uses in medical technology all the way to the food and pharmaceutical industries. Swiss researchers have now developed a manufacturing process for nanocellulose powder, the raw material for creating polymer composites which can be used, for example, in lightweight structures for the car industry or as membrane and filter material for biomedicinal applications.