Researchers have developed a new approach to decoding the vast information embedded in an organism
To rebuild damaged parts of a human body from scratch is a dream that has long fired human imagination, from Mary Shelley
Researchers have placed nanocrystals of strontium telluride into lead telluride, creating a material that can harness electricity from heat-generating items such as vehicle exhaust systems, industrial processes and equipment and sun light more efficiently than scientists have seen in the past.
New observations from the Fermi space telescope have revealed that …
In a groundbreaking achievement that could help scientists
Researchers have discovered Möbius symmetry in metamaterials -- materials engineered from artificial
The IceCube Neutrino Observatory, built over a decade at a cost of $271 million, is buried under the South Pole... and longer than the world
Wiring systems powered by highly-efficient superconductors have long been a dream of science, but researchers have faced such practical challenges such as finding pliable and cost-effective materials. Now researchers at Tel Aviv University have found a way to make an old idea new with the next generation of superconductors.