Scientists Have Created a Functional Brain Cell Based on a Mix of Salt And Water

For the first time, researchers have simulated neurological junctions called synapses using the same water and salt ingredients the brain uses, contributing to an emerging field that combines biology with electronics called iontronics.

Artificial and biological cells work together as mini chemical factories

Researchers have fused living and non-living cells for the first time in a way that allows them to work together, paving the way for new applications.

Researchers create 3-D beating heart

Scientists have now found a way to create 3-D heart tissue that beats in synchronized harmony that will lead to better understanding of cardiac health and improved treatments.

Scientists Have Created Functional Sperm From Stem Cells

  • 26 Feb 2016

Scientists from China have made history by taking a cell that's not a sperm cell and then used it to create a live animal. A similar technique could be used one day to treat infertility in humans.

Researchers develop artificial brain cells to help robots navigate

Inspired by human anatomy, researchers at Singapore’s Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) have developed a simulated version these cells for use in robots, reports MIT’s Technology Review.

Making sperm from stem cells in a dish

Researchers have found a way to turn mouse embryonic stem cells into sperm. This finding opens up new avenues for infertility research and treatment.

Human skin cells converted directly into functional neurons

Researchers at the Stanford University School of Medicine have found that human skin cells can be converted directly into functional neurons in a period of

Scientists create world’s 1st practical artificial leaf, 10x as efficient as the real thing

What’s the News: This week, scientists say that they’ve passed a chemistry milestone by creating the world’s first practical photosynthesis device. The playing-card-sized photosynthetic gadget uses sunlight to split water molecules into oxygen and hydrogen, which can then be used to produce energy, and is reputedly 10 times more efficient than a natural leaf. Researchers …