3D nanoscale optical disk memory with petabit capacity

For the first time, researchers have demonstrated that optical data storage capacity can reach the petabit (Pb) level. The storage capacity within the area of a DVD-sized disk is equivalent to at least 10,000 Blu-ray disks.

Physicists create nano-sized device with huge potential in field of quantum computing

An intricately sculpted device is so tiny it can only be seen under a microscope. But their diamond microdisk could lead to huge advances in computing, telecommunications, and other fields.

Completely new kind of polymer could lead to artificial muscles, self-repairing materials

Imagine a polymer with removable parts that can deliver something to the environment and then be chemically regenerated to function again. Or a polymer that can contract and expand the way muscles do.

This new golden nano-grid could lead to clearer, more sensitive touchscreens

New touchscreen technology that has the potential to improve display transparency and sensitivity has been developed by researchers in Switzerland , thanks to a specialised microscopic 3D printing technique.

Nano-thermometers show first temperature response differences within living cells

Using a modern version of open-wide-and-keep-this-under-your-tongue, scientists today reported taking the temperature of individual cells in the human body, and finding for the first time that temperatures inside do not adhere to the familiar 98.6 degree Fahrenheit norm.

Nano-sized vaccines

MIT engineers have designed a new type of nanoparticle that could safely and effectively deliver vaccines for diseases such as HIV and malaria. The new