Cheapest electricity on the planet is Mexican solar power

This record low price of electricity on earth, just beats out the 1.79¢/kWh from Saudi Arabia, and is part of a pattern marching toward 1¢/kWh bids that are coming in 2019 (or sooner).

Canvas cloth with solar cells generates 120 watts per square meter

Tents, sun shades, and canopies could generate renewable energy with Norway-based company's solar canvas.

World’s largest solar plant built in a refugee camp launched in Jordan

12.9-megawatt solar facility will bring free and clean electricity to over 80,000 camp residents.

UK company plans massive, subsidy-free 350MW solar farm

it is the first proposed solar project to qualify as a a Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project. If it gets the go ahead, the farm will be producing power by somewhere around 2020.

Cape Verde plans to run on 100% renewable energy by 2025

With cutting-edge technologies and innovative business practices, Cape Verde can achieve its 100% renewable energy goal in a way that is cost-effective and equitable.

Scotland ‘on target’ for 100% renewable energy by 2020

Scotland has hit its 2020 emission targets five years early and has gone from delivering 10 per cent to 60 per cent of its electricity consumption from renewable sources over the past 15 years.

Richard Branson leads green energy plan to rebuild Caribbean

The focal point of the recovery plan is to trigger the replacement of outdated fossil-fuel power grids with new renewable energy-based energy systems that will have the ability to endure extreme weather conditions.

Wind ‘breaks EU record’

WindEurope says 24.6% of Europe’s power met by sector on 28 October

Scientists elevate quantum dot solar cell world record

Researchers have established a new world efficiency record for quantum dot solar cells, at 13.4 percent.

Saudi Arabia announces plan for a megacity powered by renewables

Saudi Arabia just announced plans for a futuristic megacity Neom, that will span 10,000 square miles and three countries. The nation is calling out to innovators, scientists, and dreamers to form an aspirational society to pioneer next-gen technologies.

See-through solar cells could close gap to meet electricity demand

This could turn 5-7 billion square meters of glass alone into solar power plants, plus power your cell phone and other gadgets.

Tesla earns contract for world's first solar, wind and storage project

Tesla has won its first contract with Vestas, the world’s largest wind turbine maker, to supply its Powerpack batteries for the world’s first project to combine solar power, wind power, and Tesla’s storage technology.

World’s first floating wind farm goes live in Scotland

The world’s first floating wind farm is now feeding into Scotland’s electricity grid.

Google will be powered by 100% renewable energy by 2018

After ten years as a carbon-neutral company, Google has announced that all of its data centers and offices will be powered by 100% renewable energy, mostly from solar and wind sources.

11 Solar-powered homes that show the future of architecture

This month, eleven university-led teams designed, built, and presented futuristic houses at the U.S. Department of Energy Solar Decathlon 2017 in Colorado, USA