Tweaking quantum dots powers-up double-pane solar windows

Researchers at Los Alamos National Laboraotry are creating double-pane solar windows that generate electricity with greater efficiency and also create shading and insulation.

Scotland facing new wave of larger wind farms with taller turbines

Larger wind farms with taller turbines are to be built across rural Scotland, under government's plan to generate half of the country’s energy needs from renewable sources.

South Korea Aim: 5 Times More Solar Energy By 2030

The government of South Korea has unveiled new plans for the country to boost its solar energy generation 5 times over by 2030

The most powerful micro-scale biological solar cell ever created

The bio-solar cell could offer a sustainable, practical power source for lab-on-a-chip devices, which integrate several laboratory techniques into one system.

World’s most eco-friendly cruise ship

Nw Ecoship could take to the seas in 2020. A closed-loop water system, whale-inspired hydrodynamic hull, and retractable solar sails are among its best features.

World's first solar train will begin service soon in Australia

A Railroad Company is putting a disused track to work again with a restored "derelict heritage train" that has been converted to be 100% solar powered.

World Bank will abandon financing oil and gas projects

The World Bank group will abandon financing upstream oil and gas projects from 2019 and focus on energy transformation, as announced by World Bank Group President at the One Planet Summit in Paris, France.

Chinese firm to build world’s largest floating solar plant

When complete, the plant will generate 150 million kilowatt-hours of electricity a year, or the equivalent of about 53,000 tons of coal.

Airline to operate first US-Australia biofuel flight next year

Qantas recently announced it will operate the world’s first bio-fuel flight between the United States and Australia. The Los Angeles to Melbourne flight will take place early next year.

Google is officially 100% sun and wind powered

Google is officially off-setting 100% of its energy usage with either wind or solar power. The company signed contracts on three wind power plants in recent days.

Rooftop solar hydropanels harvest energy and drinking water

SOURCE panels can be installed atop any building just like a standard photovoltaic, but harvests drinking water in addition to solar energy.

Costa Rica Just Ran 300 Days On 100 Percent Renewable Electricity

It appears that Costa Rica just bested its 2015 achievement, having run for 300 days on a mixture of hydro, wind, geothermal, biomass, and solar energy.

India’s Wind Energy Generation Up 35% In Q3 2017

According to data released by the Indian government, wind energy generation in the country jumped 35% in Q3 2017 compared to the preceding quarter.