The Asteroid 2005 YU55, about 1,300 feet in diameter, will approach Earth within 0.85 lunar distances in early November 2011. Discovered on December 28,
Scientists have isolated and resolved the mysterious
Are we all Martians?
The vision of a joint US and European mission to Mars faces a radical rethink as the US admits its funding will come up $1bn short.
Planets form in disks of dust and gas that surround young stars. A look at the birth places means a journey into the past of Earth and its siblings. Now, astronomers have been able to obtain detailed images of the protoplanetary disks of two stars using the Subaru telescope in Hawaii.
Bring a filter if you plan on drinking water from the moon. Water ice recently discovered in dust at the bottom of a crater near the moon
The Sun has unleashed its strongest flare in four years, observers say.
Could there be a massive planet well beyond the orbit of Pluto? Unfortunately, this "extraordinary" claim is based on rather "ordinary" evidence.
The US company SpaceX is working on the first-ever reusable rocket to launch to space and back, with the goal of one day helping humans colonize Mars, founder Elon Musk said Thursday.
First ever STEREO images of the entire Sun
As the team of scientists behind NASA’s MESSENGER spacecraft eagerly awaits the craft’s entry into Mercury’s orbit on 17 March, we could soon get answers to questions about the origin, composition, interior structure and geological history of this mysterious planet.