Ruling on a suit filed by the Netherlands branch of Friends of the Earth, a court in the Netherlands ordered energy giant Royal Dutch Shell to cut its carbon emissions by 45 % before the decade is over.
The highest court in the Netherlands has upheld a ruling requiring the government to slash greenhouse gas emissions by at least 25% of 1990 levels by the end of next year.
As the world’s bee populations continue to decline, a province in Holland is taking steps to give these pollinators new ecosystems is transforming over 300 bus stops into green hubs.
In a summary of the 250-page document handed over to Shell, the groups said that under Dutch law Shell was unlawfully endangering peoples' lives by not acting to prevent global warming.
By 2025, all buses in Amsterdam will be electric. In addition, the city's fleet of 150 sightseeing boats are all going to be going electric too.
Two Dutch scientists are using algae to replace plastics throughout their city – and if their mission proves successful, they believe that no one will ever have to use plastic again.
This is the result of research conducted with over 220,000 individuals. For the first time the researchers identified two genetic variants for finding meaning in life and six genetic variants for happiness.
The 30 meters of plastic bike path contain recycled plastic equivalent to more than 218,000 plastic cups or 500,000 plastic bottle caps. The PlasticRoad is also the first smart bike path in the world.
The city of Rotterdam, in the Netherlands, is about to become home to the world's first floating dairy farm. An offshore facility is under construction and will house 40 cows producing 1,000 litres of milk per day.
The Recycled Island Foundation has been collecting litter from the Maas River in Rotterdam and recycling it into floating islands that benefit people and the aquatic ecosystem on which they drift.
More than 1,000 square feet of plastic ultimately destined to pollute the ocean is getting a second lease on life in Rotterdam.
In the Netherlands, where a quarter of the country bikes regularly, the government still wants companies to pay employees 19 cents (US 22 cents) per kilometer for riding to work.
Not many people have heard of Fairphone, a Netherlands-based smartphone start-up. Unlike the leading brands, Fairphone is committed to ethically manufactured smartphones.
The first 3D-printed concrete house in the world is to be built in Eindhoven, Netherlands this year. It will be a single-storey house and it's expected to be ready for occupation in the first half of 2019.
The 12 metre-long stainless steel bridge will be the world’s largest 3D printed metal structure. The finished structure will be opened to pedestrians and cyclists in Amsterdam.