Saturn's tilt caused by its moons

The current tilt of Saturn's rotation axis is caused by the migration of its satellites, and especially by that of its largest moon, Titan. Titan and the other moons are moving away from Saturn much faster than it had been previously estimated.

"Weird" Molecule Discovered in Titan's Atmosphere

NASA scientists identified a molecule in Titan’s atmosphere that has never been detected in any other atmosphere - cyclopropenylidene, or C3H2. This simple molecule may be a precursor to possible life on Titan.

Direct evidence of volcanic impact on Io's atmosphere

Previous research has shown that Io's atmosphere is dominated by sulfur dioxide gas. Now, astronomers could, for the first time, clearly see the plumes of sulfur dioxide (SO2) and sulfur monoxide (SO) rise up from the volcanoes.

Jupiter Probably Has 600 Small, Irregular Moons

In recent years, the confirmed number of Jovian moons has risen to 79. Now, a new study says that there may be 600 small irregular moons orbiting Jupiter.

Ganymede shows hints of Solar System's largest impact

Researchers have found what may be remnants of the solar system’s largest impact structure, ancient concentric troughs that extend across almost the entire surface of Jupiter’s moon Ganymede.

Titan is Drifting Away from Saturn Surprisingly Quickly

A recent study shows that Titan is drifting further and further from Saturn. And the rate at which it’s drifting is 100 times faster than expected. This suggests that Titan has been migrating to its current distance for 4.5 bil years.

Theia, who brought the water to Earth and ... our Moon

Where does the water on Earth come from? How was our Moon formed? And is there one single event that had led to the formation of both? 

New images of Europa show 'chaos terrain' in crisp detail

The surface of Jupiter's moon Europa features a widely varied landscape, including ridges, bands, small rounded domes and disrupted spaces that geologists call "chaos terrain."

NASA's possible planetary missions

NASA has selected four possible planetary science missions for further evaluation, two focused on Venus, one on Jupiter's volcanic moon Io and one on Neptune's icy moon Triton. Final selections will be made next year.

Astronomers create first global map of Saturn's moon Titan

A team of astronomers has created the first global map of Titan by using the Cassini probe's over 100 fly-bys to stitch together both imagery and radar measurements. 

The Raw Materials for Life Were Found on Enceladus

A team of German scientists recently examined data gathered by the Cassini orbiter around Enceladus’ southern polar region and found was evidence of organic signatures that could be the building blocks for amino acids.

Moon-forming disk discovered around distant planet

Using Earth's most powerful array of radio telescopes, astronomers have made the first observations of a circumplanetary disk of gas and dust like the one that is believed to have birthed the moons of Jupiter.

Mass anomaly detected under the moon's largest crater

A mysterious large mass of material has been discovered beneath the largest crater in our solar system - the Moon's South Pole - Aitken basin and may contain metal from the asteroid that crashed into the Moon and formed the crater.

Mars Odyssey Reveals Phobos Using THEMIS

NASA’s aging 2001 Mars Odyssey orbiter recently snapped some unique views of the twin moons Phobos and Deimos.

Meet Neptune's new moon, Hippocamp

Neptune has a new moon, and it’s also the gas giant’s smallest to date — only a little over 20 miles across. It was discovered using the Hubble Space Telescope combined with a new method to track dim objects as they orbit.