NASA Study Finds Life-Sparking Energy Source and Molecule at Enceladus

A study zooms in on data that NASA’s Cassini gathered at Saturn’s icy moon and finds evidence of a key ingredient for life and a supercharged source of energy to fuel it.

Saturn's Ocean Moon Enceladus Has All The Building Blocks For Life

Most of what we know about Enceladus and its ice-covered ocean comes from the Cassini mission. New research based on Cassini data strengthens the idea that Enceladus has the chemicals necessary for life.

Phosphorus discovered on Saturn's moon Enceladus

Phosphorus is the least abundant essential element necessary for life, and its recent detection in icy grains from Enceladus could redefine how we look at life beyond Earth.

Saturn's Moon Blasting Water Hundreds of Miles into Space

This plume is larger than any previously observed on the moon and may contain the necessary chemicals for life coming from below its icy surface.

Saturn's moon count grows by 62 for a record 145 satellites

New discoveries by a team of astronomers added 62 new moons to Saturn’s existing 83, bringing its total to 145.  Therefore, Saturn is the first planet known to have more than 100 moons.

Webb captures detailed infrared view of Uranus

The James Webb Space Telescope continues to wow astronomers and the public alike with its infrared view of deep space targets. Now its Uranus.

Two moons of Uranus may have active oceans, new study finds

Scientists now believe Miranda and Ariel, the smallest and second-smallest of Uranus’s five major moons, could be expelling vapour plumes - which on other moons in the solar system are thought to come from subsurface oceans.

Two New Forms of Salt Water Could Rewrite Fundamental Chemistry

Two newly discovered forms of frozen salt water could help scientists resolve a mystery concerning the Solar System's ice-encrusted moons.

Jupiter Overtakes Saturn as The Planet With The Most Known Moons

Astronomers have counted 12 previously unknown moons in orbit around our Solar System's biggest planet, bringing the known total to 92, and leaving Saturn, with its measly count of 83, in the dust.

Saturn's Moon Titan Has Yet Another Strange Similarity to Earth

Compared to most places you might wander in the Solar System, Titan, the giant moon of Saturn, is in many ways strangely familiar to Earth.

Jupiter's Moon Europa Has Signs of Liquid Water

Strange double ridges on the surface of Jupiter's ice moon Europa could be signposts to shallow reservoirs of water. 

Europa Could Be Pulling Oxygen Down Below the Ice To Feed Life

Jupiter's moon Europa is a prime candidate in the search for life. The frozen moon has a subsurface ocean and the new research shows that the moon is pulling oxygen down below its icy shell.

The Best Evidence for Life on Mars Might be Found on its Moons

Some scientists think the best place to find evidence of life is one of Mars’ moons. They might serve as a depository for material that was blasted off of Mars’ surface in the past.

In a first, ALMA spies huge moon-forming disc around exoplanet

Astronomers using the Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA) have spotted presence of a disc around a Jupiter-like exoplanet 400 light years away that could provide the raw material for up to three satellites the size of Earth’s Moon.

Titan's Largest Methane Sea is Over 100 Meters

Kraken Mare, a sea of liquid methane on Saturn's moon Titan, is at least 100-m deep near its center, according to a recent analysis of Cassini's data.