New observations suggests that the largest of Jupiter's Moon Io lakes, Loki Patera, produces enormous waves that repeatedly flow around the molten surface.
The Cassini probe has revealed Saturn’s inner-most moon Pan in all its peculiar glory. The spacecraft took the highest resolution images yet of Pan on 7 March 2017 from a distance of 24,572 km.
As the Cassini spacecraft executes its final daredevil maneuvers, scientists on both sides of the Atlantic are already thinking about the next mission to Saturn. But this time they're talking about hunting for life in Saturn's rings.
For more than a decade, the Cassini spacecraft has been exploring the system of Saturn, some 1.2 billion kilometres from Earth. As the first phase of its final descent begins, we look at what it has discovered about the ringed planet and its moons, and what happens next.
After re-examining data acquired by the Voyager 2 spacecraft, astronomers have detected wavy patterns in two of Uranus's dark system of rings' patterns that may be indicative of two undiscovered moons.
New gravity data from recent Cassini flybys of the giant planet suggest that Dione's crust floats on an ocean 62 miles below the surface, and may harbor microbial life.
Saturn's exotic moon Titan, with its thick atmosphere and large, methane lakes, continues to beguile planetary scientists. Now, using data collected by an altimeter aboard NASA's Cassini spacecraft, scientists have found liquid methane flowing through deep gorges on the moon's surface.
Scientists have uncovered a chemical trail that suggests prebiotic conditions may exist on Saturn's largest moon Titan. This moon features terrain with Earthlike attributes.
Earth has a new dance partner, a quasi-moon named 2016 H03.
A small water jet on the icy moon spews its fiercest eruptions when the moon is farthest from the planet, but overall gas output hardly increases.
Los Alamos National Laboratory scientists and an international research team have announced discovery of molecular oxygen ions (O2+) in the upper-most atmosphere of Dione, one of the 62 known moons orbiting the ringed planet. The research appeared recently in Geophysical Research Letters and was made possible via instruments aboard NASA's Cassini spacecraft, which was launched in 1997.