Although more eroded and not as tall, the newly discovered volcano rivals the others in diameter. It’s about 450 km across. The volcano sits on the eastern edge of a broad rise called Tharsis, home to 3 other well-known giant volcanoes.
Study reveals that deep-sea currents have been weakening, strengthening during 2.4m-year climate cycles
For a quiet, dusty lump of a planet we see today, Mars has had a surprisingly violent history, one that could reveal some clues about Earth.
If life ever existed on Mars, the Perseverance rover’s verification of lake sediments at the base of the Jezero crater reinforces the hope that traces might be found in the crater.
ESA's Mars Express has revisited one of Mars's most mysterious features to clarify its composition. Its findings suggest layers of water ice stretching several kilometers below ground—the most water ever found in this part of the planet.
When researchers reconstructed lava flows on Mars, they realized the red planet is a lot more active than they previously thought.
The scientists made a startling observation when they observed that the atmosphere of Mars dramatically ballooned outwards because of a void created due to a powerful gust of solar wind.
China's Zhurong rover, equipped with a ground-penetrating radar system, identified irregular polygonal wedges located at a depth of about 35 meters all along the robot's journey.
When future astronauts explore Mars's polar regions, they will see a green glow lighting up the night sky. For the first time, a visible nightglow has been detected in the martian atmosphere by ESA's ExoMars mission.
Most meteorites from Mars are just a few hundred million years old, and likely come from relatively recent volcanic events such as the eruptions on the largest volcano in the solar system, Olympus Mons.
Two new papers show a 150 kilometer-thick layer of molten silicate rock at the base of the mantle envelopes Mars' liquid iron-alloy core.
Sunlight on Mars interacts with iron-rich dust that hangs in the atmosphere. This ultimately scatters lower-frequency red light through the sky during the day. At twilight, however, the red light is filtered away and the sky glows a cool blue.
Nasa's Perseverance rover has been able to generate 122g of breathable oxygen - enough to sustain a human for three hours on the Red Planet.
New observations of mud cracks made by NASA's Curiosity rover show that high-frequency, wet-dry cycling occurred in early Martian surface environments.
French researchers suggesting that the tallest volcano in Solar System, Olympus Mons on Mars was once a volcanic island, surrounded by a deep sea.