Updated Kepler catalog contains 219 new exoplanet candidates

NASA’s Kepler space telescope team has identified 219 new planet candidates, 10 of which are near-Earth size and in the habitable zone of their star

Why Interstellar Travel Will Be Possible Sooner Than You Think

The Breakthrough Starshot Initiative's purpose goes far beyond the Moon. The project seeks to travel to the nearest stars.

Composition of Earth-size planets in TRAPPIST-1 system

An astrophysics researcher has identified the possible compositions of the seven planets in the TRAPPIST-1 system. TRAPPIST-1e may be the best candidate for future habitability studies.

Seventh TRAPPIST-1 Planet Confirmed

Astronomers have confirmed the existence of the seventh planet around the ultracool dwarf star TRAPPIST-1.

‘Warm Neptune’ has unexpectedly primitive atmosphere

A study from NASA’s Hubble and Spitzer space telescopes reveals that the distant planet HAT-P-26b has a primitive atmosphere composed almost entirely of hydrogen and helium.

Potentially habitable super-Earth is a prime target for atmospheric study

The study of alien worlds is entering its next phase as astronomers amass the best planets outside our Solar System to look for signs of life. A newly discovered “super-Earth” has catapulted itself to the top of that list.

NASA's Next Great Space Telescope (JWST)

One particular goal of JWST involves observing some of the most distant events and objects in the Universe. Another goal is understanding the formation of stars and planets. This will include direct imaging of exoplanets.

SETI Alien Hunters Listen For Extraterretrial Life In Trappist-1

(SETI) alien hunters look for signs of extraterrestrial life in Trappist-1, a newly discovered solar system, by listening to radio surveillance.

Seven Earth-Sized Planets Orbit Dim Star

Astronomers have found seven Earth-sized planets around a cool red dwarf, all of which have the potential for liquid surface water.

Finding Alien Life Could Be a Simple Chemistry Test Away

A very simple chemical analysis is being developed by NASA scientists that could someday be used by robotic missions on other worlds to detect alien biology.

Astronomers Prepare to Search for Alien Life at Nearby 'Habitable' Exoplanet

The Wolf 1061 star system is only 14 light-years away and a team of astronomers are doing the groundwork to begin looking for signs of extraterrestrial biology in one of its planet.

ESOcast Light: VLT to search for planets around Alpha Centauri

ESO has signed an agreement with the Breakthrough Initiatives to adapt the Very Large Telescope instrumentation in Chile to conduct a search for planets in the nearby star system Alpha Centauri.

Scientists are building a telescope to seek another Earth

A consortium launched a crowdfunding campaign for an optical instrument that could search for planets in Alpha Centauri.

Discovery Of A Nearby Super Earth With Only 5 Times Our Mass

An international team of researchers have found another planet orbiting a red dwarf; in this case, a small super-Earth less than 33 light years away.

The Daring Plan to Find the Next Earth Within a Decade

A team of ex-NASA scientists is now seeking private funding to scour the Alpha Centauri system for habitable planets.